Author: Jean Godden (Jean Godden)


It Was Their Finest Hour

As Snowzilla 2012 comes to an end, I would be remiss if I didn’t take the time to thank all the hardworking city employees who responded and worked far above the call of duty during the emergency.


Street Food for those in Need

I don’t believe there should be any shutdown of the program until and unless there is an adequate alternative. There should be no gap in service. And, while it would be ideal to offer indoor programs, there apparently continues to exist a need for outdoor meals as well. And, while we do hope to end homelessness with the 10-year plan, there are homeless on our streets and the least we can do is to ensure that they are fed, particularly since there are hundreds of volunteers willing to do so.


Dreams Come True – Thank you!

I have a vision for this city – a grand one that soon will be freed from a crumbling Viaduct that fenced us from the world’s sweetest deep-water harbor. I see a city that finally will be framed by a wonderful nine-acre parkland, an exciting whirlwind of activity, a skein of green pathways and trails. A waterfront for all of us, not just for cars, buses and trucks.


A Reason For Optimism

Word that Moody’s Investor Service has removed Seattle from its “negative outlook” in regard to the city’s  Aaa/Aa1 rating is very welcome news indeed. It means that Seattle will be able to finance capital improvements through the selling of general bonds with lower interest rates than might otherwise have been imposed. This positive outcome – [...]


Building Awareness

On Monday, the City Council proclaimed March 14-20, 2011 MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Awareness Week, calling on citizens to join the MS Society in helping raise awareness. The Northwest region (Washington, Alaska and Montana) has one of the highest incidences of MS with more than 12,000 individuals and over 50,000 family members impacted by the disease. More than 1,250 residents in the City of Seattle live with MS.


Seattle does Portlandia

Last week, 30 Seattleites, visited Portland, touring the region’s transit system in a two-day blitz. The trip was valuable as a learning investment as Portland has been successful in developing transit ridership and using transit as a tool in land use development.


Bleak Outlook in Olympia

Legislators have been unbelievably stressed by twin budget traumas. In the short term they have to trim hundreds of millions from this year’s budget. And, in the long term, they have to get started crafting a two-year budget that weathers the toughest years that Olympia has faced since the Great Depression.


“Game On”

Kate Joncas, president of the Downtown Seattle Association (DSA), took as her tagline: “Game On,” as she tossed breakfast guests a pigskin metaphor and then proceeded to detail some of the successes and shortcomings of the economy in a 2011 snapshot.