Author: Jean Godden (Jean Godden)


Bear Snores on Friday

What’s cuter than a roomful of puppies? A library full of children at a recent Friday Family Story Hour. The youngsters gathered to listen to me read “Bear Snores On,” at the Hamlin Robinson School. The school, a private school that successfully works with challenged students, initiated the free story hours as an outreach to neighborhood families.


Seniors Together

It was coffee and cookies and civics at the Mayor’s Office for Senior Citizens January 19, one of the many events and activities that the city provides for seniors who have served their communities. Each month the office taps a local official to talk to community elders about city services. This month was my opportunity to have coffee and cookies with some of these experienced citizens and talk about my responsibilities at City Hall.


Seattle for Washington Lobby Day

The "Seattle for Washington" initiative to build relationships with other cities and jurisdictions isn’t just lip service – it’s something that’s been ongoing throughout the year and has taken councilmembers to districts across the state – from Aberdeen to Spokane and from Canadian border to the mouth of the Columbia.


Lobbying Legislators a Team Sport

The 2011 legislative session will challenge the 147 senators and representatives – possibly as never before in our (and their) lifetimes. They will be crafting a budget for the next two years in one of the leanest economic environments since the Great Depression.


Legislators Hear from the Public

It is, without a doubt, the worst of times: so many needs and so little revenue. But it also is the best of times to share the heavy fiscal burden. And, indeed, about 50 of the 46th District’s constituents showed up, eager to help, despite icy driving conditions and a last minute change of venue.


Last of the Northwest School goes to “the gods’ private Blue Moon”

Artist William (Bill) Cumming – a survivor of TB and other ails – faced death many times in his 93 years, but finally surrendered to heart failure on November 22. Cumming didn’t go quietly into that good night. He was perhaps more vigorous in his final years than he was in his teens when he joined the Northwest School during a stint with the National Youth Administration, one of the federal art projects of Depression years.