WHEREAS: All workers need to make a decent, family-supporting wage regardless of what kind of work they do, together with full coverage health insurance, paid time off and a predictable schedule that allows them to plan the rest of their lives; and
WHEREAS: Union representation is the best way to secure these things, therefore all workers need to have a union; and
WHEREAS: On October 28, 2021, Starbucks issued a press release claiming, “Record Q4 and Full Year Fiscal 2021 Results,” and “Consolidated net revenues of $29.1 billion increased 24%…from the prior year”; and,
WHEREAS: The wave of organizing at Starbucks stores now sweeping the country is an inspiring move towards rebuilding the fighting labor movement that is needed to reshape working people’s lives, so that we can truthfully say that we work to live instead of living just to work.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That this union makes a public statement in solidarity with Starbucks workers’ organizing efforts and that the union shares that statement through all available media, including but not limited to: email, social media and a press release; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this union pledge its support to Workers United and the other unions currently striving to build union representation across the coffee shop and cafe industry; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this union make a $1,000 donation to the SB Workers United Strike and Support Fund (GoFundMe) to directly aid these workers in their courageous organizing efforts, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That when Starbucks workers organize a national day of action, our union will mobilize its members and community supporters in solidarity, including demonstrations and walk-ins at targeted stores; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: That this union demand that any elected representatives who accept Union funding shall move and pass resolutions at the city, county, state and national level, calling on Starbucks Corporation to cease its union busting activities and recognize the union immediately at every store whose employees request it, based on card check recognition.