Category: Councilmember Rasmussen



When I was growing up on the Eastside, my father commuted to Seattle every day for work.  If our car was in the shop he had to catch the Greyhound at the bus stop in Eastgate.  There was no local or regional transit service available to him. Today, Metro busses carry 112 million riders a [...]


Join Tom Rasmussen for Community Discussions

I will spend several upcoming Saturdays in the community at Seattle Public Library locations, listening to residents. These informal conversations will take many different directions, with all topics on the table. I sincerely hope people will take advantage of this opportunity to have informal yet meaningful conversations about our City. I’d like to hear your [...]


Join Me for the “Walk Bike Ride Challenge”

This week several City Councilmembers and I will be participating in the “Walk Bike Ride Challenge” of Mayor McGinn.  The goal is to convert two car trips per week to walking, biking or riding to shop, work or play. This is a great idea and sounds pretty easy to me. If you would like to [...]