Author: Mike O'Brien (Mike O'Brien)


Seattle Solar Home Tour is 10/6

On Saturday, October 6, homes all across Washington will be participating in the National Solar Tour of the American Solar Energy Society. Some more info on the day from Solar Washington’s website: This year they expect 160,000 participants will visit some 5,500 buildings in 3,200 communities across the U.S. This annual tour is the world’s [...]


Changes to City elections laws discussed in committee tomorrow

Tomorrow (Wednesday 9/19), the Government Performance and Finance Committee will discuss and vote on proposed changes to local elections law that I am championing. I wrote about the two ideas earlier this summer, but, to recap, I am proposing that we change Seattle’s elections  laws in two ways: Restrict fundraising by all candidates in city [...]


2013-2014 Seattle City Light Rates

Update: Council approved the increased City Light rates on Monday, 9/17. Seattle City Light (SCL) is asking Council to approve a two-year rate package that includes increasing rates for SCL customers. No one enjoys paying their utility bills, and we can all get frustrated when the costs go up. So I wanted to take some [...]


Way to Go, Seattle

The July and August Walk Bike Ride Challenge is On! Summer is here and it’s a great time to get outside and explore your neighborhood and your city. Take advantage of the nicer weather and get out of your car and on your feet for the July-August Walk Bike Ride Challenge. Lots of trips we [...]


Caring Across Generations

Today Council voted to unanimously support Resolution 31388, supporting the local and national Caring Across Generations campaign that seeks to transform long term care in the U.S., both to help the individuals who rely on these services and to support the workers who provide home care. Seattle is the first city in the country to [...]


Arena deliberation schedule

Many thanks to Councilmember Tim Burgess for posting the schedule of upcoming committee hearings in which we will discuss the arena deal. I am reprinting the schedule here for your reference. Check back soon for more on the arena. From Councilmember Burgess’s blog: City Council’s Government Performance & Finance Committee will follow as we consider [...]


A vote against coal

Yesterday, Seattle made national news by joining a growing list of cities and elected officials around the region in speaking out against a proposal to vastly expand coal exports to China and India. From the New York Times, “Washington: Seattle Votes Against Coal Terminals,” The Seattle City Council has unanimously passed a resolution opposing development [...]