Sawant: ‘We need our own independent candidates, including socialists, rank and file union members, and grassroots activists accountable to working people and willing to fight back against the stranglehold of big business and corporate Democratic politicians like Durkan’
Councilmember Kshama Sawant (District 3, Central Seattle), chair of the Council’s Sustainability and Renters Rights Committee, today issued this statement regarding Mayor Durkan’s announcement that she will not seek re-election:
“Mayor Jenny Durkan was elected with major backing from big business, including an unprecedented $350,000 check from Amazon alone. She has served their interests well, steadfastly opposing the Amazon Tax to fund affordable housing, the grassroots campaign for municipal broadband, and most other efforts to address the crises facing working people in this increasingly unequal city. During Durkan’s time in office, our city has become ever more unaffordable, especially for communities of color. The Democratic Party under her watch has not only failed to hold Seattle police accountable, but carried out brutal use of so-called ‘crowd control’ weapons against peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters.
“But Durkan is not an exception – she epitomizes the Democratic Party’s pro-corporate politics, and will likely be well-rewarded for her service to the ruling class. It was through building movements independent of the political establishment that working people were able to win historic victories like the Amazon Tax, the $15 minimum wage, and the law banning police use of chemical weapons. Our movements need our own independent candidates, including socialists, rank and file union members, and grassroots activists accountable to working people and willing to fight back against the stranglehold of big business and corporate Democratic politicians like Durkan.”