There are 12 Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) throughout Seattle, including one in the University District. BIAs are authorized by State law and enable property owners to charge a fee to themselves to supplement cleaning, safety, and marketing to improve each neighborhood business district.
Consideration of the BIA by the City Council will be a six-week process:
- Wednesday, May 20: Briefing and Discussion at the Community & Economic Development Committee;
- Wednesday, May 27: another discussion at CED Committee AND a public hearing;
- Wednesday, June 3: possible approval by CED Committee;
- Monday, June 8: possible adoption by full City Council;
- Friday, June 19: deadline for Mayor signature;
- Sunday, July 19: Effective Date (if signed by Mayor June 19).
Let us know your thoughts:
- E-Mail: you can write to me as the District 4 Councilmember at or to the entire City Council at
- Virtual one-on-one meeting: nearly every Friday afternoon, I have office hours. During the COVID emergency, we are having them by telephone or Skype. Sign up the usual way via my website:
- Public Comment: Sign-up registration begins two hours before the 2:00 p.m. meeting start time. Speakers must be registered in order to be recognized by the Chair: