Seattle Needs a Working People’s Green New Deal! Apply here for the Green New Deal Oversight Board

Home » Seattle Needs a Working People’s Green New Deal! Apply here for the Green New Deal Oversight Board


In the last two years, young people and other climate activists have built a movement around the world to end climate change. Across the country, community organizers are demanding a Green New Deal to begin to seriously address the climate crisis. Green New Deal programs would replace the fossil fuel burning infrastructure with clean and efficient energy sources, while creating millions of good-paying public-sector union jobs.

In 2019, Seattle’s climate action and justice movement advocated for and passed a Green New Deal resolution (Res 31895), and a Green New Deal Oversight Board (CB 119604) to hold the City’s elected officials accountable for establishing Green New Deal policies. 

The Seattle Green New Deal Oversight Board is seeking applicants who are passionate about fighting for a just transition from fossil fuel infrastructure. There are 19 positions on the Green New Deal Oversight Board, appointed to three year terms by the Mayor, the City Council, and the board itself. The positions are as follow:

  • Eight positions will be held by representatives of communities impacted by racial, economic, and environmental injustices. Of these eight positions, two will be held by representatives from tribes whose treaty rights are connected to the lands and waterways of Seattle, and two will be held by people between the ages of 16 and 25 at the time of their appointment.
  • Three positions will be held by representatives of environmental justice organizations.
  • Four positions will be held by representatives of labor unions
  • Three positions will be held by experts with a depth of experience in greenhouse gas reduction and climate resiliency strategies. 
  • One position will be held by an individual specializing in workforce training.

Compensation is provided for those who would incur financial hardship by their participation on the Green New Deal Oversight Board.

How To Apply

Include the following:

  • Your name and contact information
  • A paragraph explaining your interest and qualification for the Green New Deal Oversight board, including which position(s) you are qualified for.
  • Your resume

Either email your application materials here or to, or fill out the form below: