As of Saturday, March 21, paying bus fare is optional until further notice.
In response to significantly reduced ridership since the emergence of COVID-19, Metro will temporarily move to a Reduced Schedule starting Monday, March 23.
The reductions are designed to maintain off-peak hours. Schedules will be posted on Metro’s web page Saturday, March 21. A few routes are being suspended entirely during the crisis. Alternatives for the temporarily suspended Route 78 (Children’s Hospital to UW/Husky Stadium Link Station) are: Routes 31/32, 65/67, and 75. The best alternative route for the temporarily suspended Sound Transit Route 541 from Overlake to the UW/Stadium Link is Route 542.
Even with these temporary reductions in the frequency of bus service during this crisis, we’re relieved King County Metro will maintain most bus routes throughout Seattle connecting everyone to places of care, to services (including grocery stores), and to jobs for Seattle residents unable to work from home.
Metro’s press release is here:
Route schedule and map page:
Metro info page with links:
Seattle routes:
King County Executive press release: