11/16/2015 4:56:00 PM
Newell Aldrich, Councilmember Licata’s Office, (206) 684-8803
Dana Robinson Slote (206) 615-0061
Budget Committee Passes Balanced and Sustainable Budget
SEATTLE – Council’s Budget Committee recommended approval of the 2016 budget by an 8-0 vote today. Chair Nick Licata issued the following statement after today’s meeting discussing the City’s 2016 budget:
“There’s an old saying that you should ‘put your money where your mouth is,’ and today I’m pleased that my colleagues unanimously joined me in investing an additional $2.3 million beyond the $5 million the Mayor recommended to address the homelessness emergency in Seattle.
“The enactment of the Council’s budget will provide urgently required help and hope, to the City’s homeless population. Councilmembers are delivering on a promise to the people, and with an amount of money more commensurate with the crisis. While these emergency funds are a good start, I urge the public to keep pressure on this mayor and my colleagues to further invest in our efforts to combat this tragic crisis.
“This budget will also address many of the City’s other priorities such as mental health, youth incarceration, the bike share program, cultural institutions, youth transit passes, and participatory budgeting – a breakthrough program that will allow ordinary people to decide how to allocate part of the City’s budget.
“It’s important to remember that the City Council represents an independent branch of municipal government. It is the Council’s obligation to craft and approve a balanced City budget. In fulfillment of that obligation, the Council analyzed, modified and supplemented the mayor’s proposed budget.
“The Council is the ‘peoples” branch of government, and as such, has heard and responded to its citizens and organizations in two public hearings, and non-stop feedback from the public. All of this was accomplished in a manner that is fiscally prudent and responsible.
“With this budget, the Council is also making deliberate investments in what we all agree are the foundations for a strong Seattle – increasing access to mental health services, targeted diversion from youth incarceration and providing career opportunities to the formerly incarcerated. Through these actions, City Council will put forth its best efforts to tackle this crisis in a serious and meaningful way.”
The Full Council will adopt the final budget on Monday, November 23.