News Release
The Seattle City Council today approved Council Bill 117216 with a vote of 8-1 (Council President Conlin voting no), requiring businesses in Seattle to provide paid leave to employees when they or their family members fall ill or victim to domestic violence.
City Council to vote on final paid sick leave legislation
News Release
A majority of City Councilmembers announced their support today for an amended version of C.B. 117216, a bill that would provide paid leave to employees in Seattle when they or their family members fall ill or fall victim to domestic violence. An estimated 145,000 to 190,000 employees in Seattle currently do not have access to this benefit.
Seattle City Council seeking audit committee candidates
News Release
City Councilmember and Budget Committee chair Jean Godden announced today two open positions on the newly formed Audit Committee. This committee was established by Ordinance 123622 to assist the Office of the City Auditor bring about more open, accountable, performance-driven, and results-oriented government. It is intended to be insulated from political pressures and influences in order to provide an independent opinion on the performance of City departments and programs.
Seattle City Council to hold public hearing on tourism improvement area
News Release
On Monday, August 8, the Seattle City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposal to create a dedicated source of funding for tourism marketing and promotion by imposing a $2 per night surcharge on certain hotel rooms.
When: Monday, Aug. 8, 5:30 p.m.
Where: Seattle City Hall
Seattle City Council confirms Bernadette Matsuno as Department of Neighborhoods Director
News Release
Today the City Council unanimously confirmed Bernadette (Bernie) Matsuno as the Department of Neighborhoods Director.
"I am impressed with Bernie's professional background and her two-decade long commitment to the Department of Neighborhoods success,” said Councilmember Mike O'Brien, chair of the Seattle Public Utilities and Neighborhoods Committee. "The Council believes the Department is well-positioned to increase meaningful community participation in city projects, and Bernie's vision for the Department will support just that. Her goals are laudable and the Council believes she has the wherewithal to lead city initiatives and policy improvements and her leadership will be a great benefit to the entire city."
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods awards more than $1 million for neighborhood projects
The Seattle City Council today approved more than $1 million in matching funds to support neighborhood projects across the City. Twelve community organizations will receive awards from Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Neighborhood Matching Fund Program for projects as diverse as creation of an autistic spectrum disorder-friendly playspace to construction of an outdoor stage for community events.
Seattle City Council votes to add $3 million for city street improvements
Today, the Seattle City Council confirmed its commitment to Seattleites by passing Council Bill 117207authorizing the Seattle Department of Transportation to spend $3 million from the sale of the Rubble Yard to fund road repairs. The funds will provide a 33 percent boost in 2011 street repair funding and prevent the elimination of 21 positions in the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT).
Seattle Transportation Benefit District Governing Board meetings scheduled to consider CTAC-III recommendation
The Seattle City Council, acting in its capacity as the Seattle Transportation Benefit District (STBD) Governing Board, will convene following the regular City Council meeting on Monday, July 18 (approximately 2:30 p.m. or immediately following the 2 p.m. Full Council meeting).
Seattle to establish dedicated fund for tourism marketing
News Release
City Councilmembers Tim Burgess and Jean Godden, Mayor Mike McGinn and King County Executive Dow Constantine, announced a new initiative this morning to raise millions of dollars to promote tourism in Seattle.
Seattle Mayor McGinn and City Councilmembers identify additional funds to improve city streets
Seattle Mayor McGinn, Seattle City Council President Conlin, and Councilmembers Rasmussen and Godden today jointly announced that the City will commit $3 million from the sale of the Rubble Yard to fund additional roadway work in 2011. The commitment will provide a 33 percent boost in 2011 street repair funding, preventing the elimination of 21 positions in the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) while also providing a small increase for bike improvements.