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The Seattle 2030 District

Mayor McGinn and the entire City Council have signed on to make the City a Founding Member of the Seattle 2030 District, an alliance of building owners, building industry professionals, utilities and local governments that are coming together to create a model high performance building district in downtown Seattle.  The goal of the Seattle 2030 [...]


Citizen’s Transportation Advisory Committee makes recommendations to City Council for $20 vehicle license fee

The Seattle City Council Transportation Committee chair Tom Rasmussen released the following statement on today’s recommendations from the Citizen’s Transportation Advisory Committee III (CTAC) for the $20 Vehicle License Fee (VLF) approved by the City Council acting as the Transportation Benefit District (TBD) in October 2010:


Seattle Mayor McGinn and City Councilmembers identify additional funds to improve city streets

Seattle Mayor McGinn, Seattle City Council President Conlin, and Councilmembers Rasmussen and Godden today jointly announced that the City will commit $3 million from the sale of the Rubble Yard to fund additional roadway work in 2011. The commitment will provide a 33 percent boost in 2011 street repair funding, preventing the elimination of 21 positions in the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) while also providing a small increase for bike improvements.


News Release: Seattle City Council approves SR 520 agreement with WSDOT and Parks

The Seattle City Council today unanimously approved Council Bill 117219 authorizing the Director of the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation to execute an agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to design, develop and plan specific environmental mitigation projects surrounding and supported by the SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV program. Mitigation includes funds to pay for costs incurred for work needed in 2011.


Zero Waste — Frugality Works In Seattle

In 2010 Seattle sent 335,600 tons of solid waste to the Columbia Ridge Landfill in eastern Oregon.  That’s what we need to target for reduction.  The good news is that we continue to make great progress, and a recent study of residential waste demonstrates how well we are doing, and where we have opportunities to [...]


Housing, Human Services, Health, and Culture Committee to tour

SEATTLE – Join the Seattle City Council’s Housing, Human Services, Health, and Culture Committee on Thursday, July 7 for a walking tour of the “Nickelsville” homeless person’s encampment. This tour will continue the work surrounding Resolution 31292 and homeless individuals not currently served within the existing system of shelters.


City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen selected for Governor’s statewide transportation task force

Seattle City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen will represent Seattle on Gov. Gregiore’s newly formed “Connecting Washington Task Force,” announced yesterday. The 27 member task force includes a broad range of groups and interests from local government, labor and business representatives and transit organizations, who have been designated to develop a 10-year investing and funding plan for the state’s transportation system and are expected to present their recommendations to the 2012 Legislature.