Category: Councilmember Strauss


Land Use Legislation // Ballard Commons Update // Fremont Fair and Solstice Parade Postponed // “Drive-Thru” Farmers Market // COVID-19 Updates and Resources

Neighbors, As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic I would like to update you on emerging issues, update you on how we’re addressing the pandemic, how we can support each other and our small businesses, and how I can help you. In this week’s newsletter we begin with information from City Council, district updates,...


Ballard Commons Park Update

May 4, 2020 Since my first days in office, and long before the COVID-19 pandemic or the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, I have been working to address the situation in and around Ballard Commons Park. I was heartened to learn that as of last week the Navigation Team had moved 17 people out of...


COVID-19 Update // Fremont Walking Tour

Neighbors, So much has changed in the weeks since I emailed you last. In this newsletter we have updates from before the COVID-19 State of Emergency, resources for you to use during this emergency, and a reminder to use our office to help you navigate access to these resources. Our office is already assisting D6...


Walking Tour: Green Lake / Community Council Meetings / Office Hours / Testifying in Olympia / Supporting the Ballard P-Patch / Green Lake Community Center and Evans Pool Renovation / Your Voice, Your Choice / Jacob A. Riis at the Nordic Museum

We just wrapped up week eight of my time serving you on the City Council. My team has hit the ground running, attending events and meetings across the district, and preparing to introduce my first legislation. In these eight weeks we have held 26 in-district constituent meetings, attended 9 community group meetings, met with 24 small...


Walking Tour of PhinneyWood / Tree Protection Ordinance Update / In-District Office Hours / Neighborhood Street Fund / International Clash Day

It has been a very full first month as your District 6 representative. I have spent considerable time throughout the District, attending community meetings, participating in walking tours of Phinneywood and Ballard and going on a ride-along with Seattle Police Department’s North Precinct Officers. I also began my tenure as one of Seattle’s representatives on...


Hitting the Ground Running

Dear friends and neighbors, I am honored to be your District 6 Councilmember, representing the neighborhoods that shaped me and made me the person I am today. My top priority as your Councilmember is to steward our growth to be a sustainable, equitable, and affordable city that provides a high quality of life for everyone....