Category: Councilmember Nelson

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Concept art of Makers' District near the stadiums.

Council approves Nelson’s workforce housing bill

Allows much-needed affordable housing and workspace in Stadium District Today the City Council passed Council President Sara Nelson’s (Position 9) amended “Stadium Makers’” bill, that will now allow the construction of workforce housing and affordable workspaces for Seattle’s small manufacturing businesses, generate living-wage union jobs and improve public safety in a two-block stretch of the...

Stadium Housing rendering.

Workforce Housing in the Stadium District

Seattle’s in the midst of a housing affordability crisis and small manufacturing businesses are leaving town for lack of affordable commercial space. I’m advancing a widely-supported proposal that will help solve for both at no cost to the City – what’s not to like about that? Learn the facts below. Council Bill 120933 would allow...

Outside of City Hall photo.

Council President Nelson details efforts to protect Seattle from Trump’s attacks

Today, Council President Sara Nelson (Position 9) issued the following release ahead of the first meeting of the Select Committee on Federal Administration and Policy Changes. Council President Nelson established this new committee to identify and defend against emerging federal policies that threaten City programs and funding.   “Trump’s chaos campaign in Washington D.C. is...


Council President counters Port opposition to Stadium District Housing Bill, urges passage

Committee to consider voting on proposal this afternoon Seattle City Council President Sara Nelson (Position 9), issued the following statement today in response to the Port of Seattle’s opposition to Council Bill 120933,which allows for critically needed workforce housing to be built near T-Mobile Park and Lumen Field. The legislation is scheduled for a possible...


Council passes updated guidance for crowd management, sets the stage for end of federal consent decree

The City Council voted 6-3 today to approve final legislation on crowd management guidelines for the Seattle Police Department (SPD). The updated guidelines include several amendments intended to provide additional oversight and accountability, including checks on the use of blast balls. “The crowd management guidelines we passed today strike an important balance of giving our...


Council President Nelson forms committee to address federal instability, protect Seattle residents

Today Council President Sara Nelson (Position 9) announced that she will stand up a special committee on federal policy changes. In a statement she provided the following details: It’s my responsibility as an elected official and as Seattle City Council President to make sure every one of my constituents feels safe, particularly our most vulnerable...


Council President Nelson introduces legislation allowing workforce housing in Stadium District 

Seattle City Council President Sara Nelson (Position 9) yesterday introduced legislation to allow workforce housing to be built near T-Mobile Park and Lumen Field to support the creation of a Stadium Makers’ District with mixed residential and light industrial uses.  “It makes no sense to exclude housing from a downtown neighborhood that holds so much...

Seattle Waterfront.

Council President Nelson urges continued focus on public safety in 2025 after record number of bills passed in 2024

Noting the high number of public safety-related bills adopted by the Seattle City Council in 2024, today Council President Sara Nelson (Position 9) welcomed incoming interim Chief of Police Shon Barnes to Seattle and urged a redoubling of city efforts on Seattle’s ongoing public safety challenges in the new year. In its first year, the...

Empty chair on council dais.

Seattle City Council announces process to fill council vacancy representing District 2

Application deadline: Jan. 9, 2025. City Council President Sara Nelson (Position 9 – Citywide) has announced the formal process to fill the vacancy after the resignation of Councilmember Tammy Morales (District 2), effective Jan. 6, 2025.  “We look forward to hearing from and considering the leaders from District 2 who are willing to put themselves forward during this critical...


Council President Sara Nelson’s statement on Councilmember Tammy Morales’ resignation effective January 6, 2025

City Council President Sara Nelson (Position 9) released this statement on the resignation of Councilmember Tammy Morales (District 2), effective January 6, 2025: “I want to thank Councilmember Morales for her dedicated service to the constituents of District 2. We worked together to pass a number of important pieces of legislation that benefit the people...