Author: Sally J. Clark (Sally J. Clark)


International Clean Up After May Day Day

I parked at Pacific Place and walked around to see how things looked after the Black Bloc attacks of yesterday. By 9 a.m. there were more media with cameras and mics than workers with drills removing plywood. Everyone seems to be trying to make sense of yesterday’s action and determine if the City could have [...]


The carnival sideshow of light rail stations

This afternoon the Council’s Committee on Economic Resiliency and Regional Relations will receive a report we commissioned on increasing job density without radically altering allowed land uses around the SODO light rail station. For those of you not familiar with the area or if you’ve been daydreaming whenever LINK stops at this under-used station, the [...]


My first thought is “no”

I’m supposed to be fair and rational. I’m supposed to give new ideas a fair shake. I’m supposed to ask first, fire later. But drones? Really? This is the latest tech toy we absolutely have to have? OK, I’ll ask and learn, but I’m not optimistic about warming to this idea. I know they aren’t [...]


Sustainability on Seattle’s College Campuses

I once wrote an editorial for the UW Daily that somehow connected a squirrel carcass that I cycled by every day on my way back and forth from campus to the need for greater recycling. Institutional and devoted recycling was still a new-ish thing. Critics said there’d be added costs and the confusion of how [...]


Let’s recap some good economic news

As we start another week let me mention three things that made last week good from the perspective of economic resiliency. 1. The M’s, Danny and My New Coat. I got to meet Danny Bonaduce. OK, at best you’re thinking, “What does Danny Bonaduce have to do with economic resiliency?” I could start by just [...]


Globe to keep spinning

We marked a major milestone this week in the longer-than-anticipated road to making the P-I Globe an official city landmark. Wednesday Councilmember Jean Godden, Councilmember Tim Burgess, Museum of History and Industry Executive Director Leonard Garfield and I stood before assorted media and historic preservation advocates to announce that the Hearst Corporation will donate the [...]


Bill Walton, Dave Twardzik, Maurice Lucas, Bob Gross and…

When I was 11 I had the 1976-77 Portland Trail Blazers team photo taped to my bedroom door. If I had that photo still I could have checked it to recall the fifth starter of that world championship team. Instead, I hit Wikipedia and learned the other starting guard was (drum roll, please)… Lionel Hollins. [...]


Seeking Safety in Rainier Valley

Sunday night I participated in a safety walk with four officers from SPD and about 40 Othello-area neighbors. We walked and talked through the streets surrounding the Othello Light Rail station – the area where Danny Vega, a beloved member of the city’s Filipino and gay communities, was beaten leading to his death. There’s a [...]


Sleep in a bit – COBE starts at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday

Usually the Council’s Committee on the Built Environment (COBE) meetings begin at 9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m.  Tomorrow’s meeting, one of the more anticipated of the year, will begin instead at 10:30 a.m. due to cascading series of errors with the agenda release. We usually post the agenda several days in advance (and far in [...]