Next week, Seattle’s Pacific Science Center will open its doors to the exhibit Terracotta Warriors of the First Emperor, transporting viewers back 2,200 years to discover the story of the First Imperial Dynasty of China and the untouched tomb of the first Emperor. I was honored to work with the Pacific Science Center during the […]
Author: Geri Morris (Geri Morris)
We are a Welcoming City
At a recent Transit Talks meeting, I said “It’s really disturbing for me when I hear somebody talking about how glad they were to see the neighborhood district councils stand up for single-family zoning and then in the next breath disparage the president for wanting to build a wall between the US and Mexico. I see those two things […]
Homelessness Update
Many constituents have asked where we are in the process of addressing Seattle’s homelessness crisis. The proposal of CB 118794 last fall shined a spotlight on areas where the city needed to step up. While that piece of legislation did not move forward, I am glad that it ultimately inspired the council and the executive […]
Celebrating the Victories of the 2017-2018 Budget Process
I approached my first budget process as I do most of my work here at city hall – through the lens of my urban planning and policy background, and holding firm to four core values: fostering community, making the city more affordable, achieving greater public safety, and supporting kids and families. After an incredibly busy […]
The City Budget Process Now Underway
This Monday kicked off my inaugural City Budget Season as the Mayor presented his proposal to the Council (you can watch the speech here). Staff and councilmembers are in the initial stages of diving into the Mayor’s proposal, and next week the Council will be hearing more details from the various department heads. Ever since […]
Shaping Growth in the University District
Today the City of Seattle released a proposal to shape housing and job growth in the University District equitably and affordably. The proposal combines changes to land use regulations, like zoning and development standards, with City investments in open space, transportation, and social services to reflect the community’s priorities which have been expressed over five […]
Here’s to the Start of a Successful School Year
Many kids throughout Seattle woke up this morning welcoming their first day of school. And as I watched my daughters fill their backpacks and walk into their kindergarten classroom for the first time, I couldn’t help but reflect on this milestone in their lives and how they will be shaped by the Seattle Public School […]
My Thoughts on the North Precinct
On Monday, the Council took action on a resolution regarding the North Precinct, a proposed new facility that would serve most of the residents of District 4. Though much as been made of previous Council discussions on the project, I’ve heard from many constituents that they want to build the new precinct, but that the […]
Affordable Housing for Every Neighborhood
Today is a very big day for the Planning, Land Use & Zoning committee, as we will vote to send our Mandatory Housing Affordability – Residential (MHAR) framework to Full Council for consideration on Monday, August 15, 2016. As our city continues to grow I believe this framework will help make our city more affordable […]
Reflections On the Tragic Events of Last Week
After providing an initial statement to Seattle Weekly, and receiving many emails and phone calls regarding my thoughts on last week’s events, I felt compelled to provide a full, updated statement on last week’s events in Louisiana, Minnesota, and Dallas. Like many others in our community and around the country I have had difficulty sleeping […]