Councilmember Lisa Herbold (District 1, Chair of the Public Safety and Human Services Committee) released the following statement in response to the shooting at Ingraham High School this morning:
“This is devastating. My heart goes out to the victim, their loved ones, and the students, staff, families, and neighbors of Ingraham High School. No student should have to go to school worrying about the threat of gun violence. No parent should have to experience the heart-wrenching feeling of wondering if their child is safe at school. This is unacceptable.
Devastatingly, this act of violence shows that Seattle is not immune to America’s school shooting epidemic – nowhere is. With two months still left in this year, there have been more shootings at schools in the U.S. than any other year on record. The K-12 Shooting Database has logged 271 shootings this year, compared to the record high of 250 set just last year. We also know that firearms are the leading cause of death for American children, according to recently released data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Seattle has a gun problem. I sincerely thank all of the first responders and school faculty today. I want to specifically thank the Seattle Police Department for their work seizing 1,237 illegal firearms last year, an unheard of number, and we’re on track to meet or exceed that with over 1,000 seizures already this year. Whether it’s through gun violence prevention we do at the city and county level or gun control legislation passed at the state and national level, we must do more. Our kid’s lives depend on it.”