Councilmember Mosqueda, Housing Providers Announce 17 Affordable Housing Projects Made Possible by JumpStart Seattle

SEATTLE - Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda (Position 8, Citywide) and housing providers unveiled a slate of affordable housing projects that were all awarded funds from JumpStart Seattle, a progressive payroll tax that makes historic investments in affordable housing. JumpStart also funds critical investments in equitable development, the city’s Green New Deal, economic resilience and workforce development. 

In 2022, JumpStart investments in affordable housing are creating or rehabilitating 1,769 units through 17 projects, including permanent supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness, family-sized housing, and land acquisition for the creation of affordable housing serving communities at risk of displacement. Organizations receiving awards include Filipino Community of Seattle, El Centro de la Raza, Chief Seattle Club, Downtown Emergency Services Center (DESC), Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority (SCIDpda), the Low Income Housing Institute, and New Hope Community Development, among others. The full project list can be found below.  

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“Two years ago this month, Council passed JumpStart progressive revenue, dedicating two-thirds of the funds to affordable housing investments. This was possible thanks to a broad coalition of support from businesses, labor unions, community-based organizations, affordable housing advocates, environmental groups, immigrant rights activists, and more. Two years later, with the first year of JumpStart affordable funding and in partnership with our community affordable housing providers, we have been able to invest in 17 projects and counting,” said Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda. “By creating a sustainable, ongoing revenue source, JumpStart will enable us to continue building out the affordable housing pipeline our community so desperately needs. These projects are more than just units —they’re investments into health, stability, opportunity and community, and they will have a positive impact in our community for generations to come. This is a win for progressive revenue, and it’s a win for our community.” 

“The Office of Housing is making more investments in affordable housing than ever before, thanks to JumpStart Seattle supplementing our longstanding Seattle Housing Levy and other local funds,” said Maiko Winkler-Chin, Director of the Office of Housing. “At the same time, we know the need for affordable housing in Seattle is greater than ever. Every dollar counts, and we will continue to do everything we can with the resources available to keep increasing our city’s supply of affordable rental and for-sale housing.”

“As a community-based organization stepping up to build affordable housing that meets the needs of our community, obtaining the funds necessary to acquire land to build upon has been a challenge, said Velma Veloria, who works with the Filipino Community Center and is a former WA State 11th LD Representative. “JumpStart has added a new, equitable funding stream that will enable Filipino Community of Seattle to seize an ideal opportunity to purchase property to build family-sized affordable housing for working families in the community. We are thrilled to be one of the first organizations participating in the JumpStart Community Self-Determination Fund and we’re excited that we can now move forward to secure the land and create housing that will help root the Filipino community in place.” 

“El Centro de la Raza is taking our proven model for building community through housing to Columbia City—with a project that will include an early learning center, community space for worship, and more,” said Estela Ortega, Executive Director of El Centro de la Raza. “Our approach to strengthening community through housing requires relationships, vision, cultural connectedness—and it requires resources. This is why we advocated for this new progressive revenue source, and why we’re excited to be a part of the first round of projects using JumpStart to create community-centered affordable housing.” 

“JumpStart has generated new and sustainable resources for the Native community in Seattle,” said James Lovell, the Development Director for the Chief Seattle Club. “The funding it has provided for our permanent supportive housing projects at Sacred Medicine House and Goldfinch will bring healing, housing, and community to hundreds of our members.” 

“DESC’s Union Hotel is one of the oldest supportive housing programs in the community,” said Daniel Malone, Executive Director, Downtown Emergency Service Center. “It opened in 1994 as our first supportive housing program, featuring 24/7 onsite clinical and support staff for 52 residents who had been experiencing homelessness. This money will help us to preserve it for carrying out that role.” 

Earlier this week, the Chamber of Commerce announced it was dropping its lawsuit challenging JumpStart Seattle and the important investments the progressive revenue funds. While JumpStart Seattle has been the law of the land for two years, this announcement provides some finality and certainty for investing in the greatest needs of our city.  

The full list of the affordable housing awards made possible by JumpStart funding in 2022 can be found in the table below: 

JumpStart Affordable Housing Awards as of July 20, 2022 

Developer/Owner Project Name Homes Populations Served 
New Rental Affordable Housing 
Chief Seattle Club Sacred Medicine House 117  Individuals experiencing homelessness, with a focus on Native Indians and Alaska Natives 
Chief Seattle Club Goldfinch Acquisition 63  Individuals experiencing homelessness, with a focus on Native Indian and Alaska Native elders 
Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) Dockside Acquisition 92  Individuals experiencing homelessness; individuals with low incomes 
El Centro de la Raza Columbia City 87  Families and individuals with low incomes 
New Hope Community Development Institute New Hope 87  Individuals experiencing homelessness; families and individuals with low incomes 
Community Roots Housing YouthCare/South Annex 84  Young adults experiencing homelessness; young adults with low incomes 
DESC  Union Hotel 52  Individuals experiencing homelessness 
Filipino Community of Seattle Filipino Community Acquisition 52  Future development of affordable housing serving families with low incomes 
Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority (SCIDpda) North Lot 154  Families and individuals with low incomes 
Mount Baker Housing Association VIA 7  221  Families and individuals with low incomes 
TAP Collaborative  Broadway Urbaine 100  Families and individuals with low incomes 
Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) MLK Mixed Use 148  Young adults experiencing homelessness; families and individuals with low incomes 
BRIDGE Housing St. Luke’s Affordable Housing 86  Families and individuals with low incomes 
Affordable Housing Preserved Through Reinvestment 
YWCA 5th & Seneca  114  Individuals experiencing homelessness; individuals with low incomes 
InterIm CDA NP/Eastern Rehab 109  Families and individuals with low incomes 
Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) Jensen Block Rehab 30  Individuals with low incomes 
Plymouth Housing Pacific Hotel Rehab 173  Individuals experiencing homelessness 
TOTAL Rental Homes Created or Preserved 1,769  

Awards above total $79.92 million. Of the remaining ~$17.3 million to get to the total $97 million in 2022 JumpStart affordable housing investments, not reflected here is ($5.75 million) funding set aside for permanently affordable homeownership for which awards are forthcoming, and ~$11.5 million held to address any necessary adjustments to project awards, as costs may fluctuate through the development process. 

JumpStart creates an ongoing funding source for housing. The long-term spending plan for JumpStart Seattle, passed unanimously by the Council, dedicates nearly two-thirds of the revenue (62%) to housing, 15% to small businesses and economic resiliency, 9% to Seattle’s Green New Deal investments and 9% to the Equitable Development Initiative. The projected 2022 JumpStart investments are detailed below: 

2022 JumpStart Investments 

Category $ 
GF Revenue Replacement subtotal $85,604,651 
Finance General Appropriations to Special Funds $85,604,651 
Administration subtotal $171,701 
Payroll Tax Oversight Committee Facilitation + other admin $171,701 
Housing & Services subtotal $97,176,501 
Community Focused subtotal $15,700,000 
Investments to Address Residential Displacement $15,700,000 
Affordable Housing & Services subtotal $75,726,501 
AH Production and Preservation-including construction, acquisitions, and services $51,426,501 
Investments in Affordable Housing Capital $17,000,000 
Services to pair with EHVs $7,300,000 
Permanently Affordable Homeownership subtotal $5,750,000 
Homeownership Development $4,875,000 
Ownership Retention Program $875,000 
EDI subtotal $14,300,000 
Equitable Development Initiative $14,300,000 
GND subtotal $14,335,000 
Duwamish Green Workforce Development Investments $275,000 
Duwamish Valley Program Development Projects $2,300,000 
Youth Leadership, Capacity Bldg, & DV Youth Corps $500,000 
Clean Buildings Accelerator Program $220,000 
Climate Implementation Plan and Calculator $300,000 
Environmental Justice Fund $550,000 
Oil Home Heating Conversions $200,000 
Single Family Oil Heat Conversion $1,498,461 
Green Energy Apprenticeships $1,000,000 
Green New Deal Reserve $6,491,539 
Rebates for Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles $1,000,000 
Economic Revitalization  subtotal $22,208,758 
Child Care Stabilization Grants Expansion $2,400,000 
Duwamish Valley Business Relief and Response $275,000 
Healthcare Career Pipeline $420,000 
Healthcare Cost Tech Adjustment $77,516 
Artist Relief & Workforce Development $1,500,000 
Maritime and Manufacturing Strategies in OED $500,000 
Priority Hire Expansion $500,000 
Re-employment Pathways for Immigrants and Refugees $250,000 
Small Business Development Capital $3,735,621 
Small Business Ownership Fund $7,600,000 
Small Business Technical Assistance $1,240,311 
Workforce Development; AH & HMLS Providers $750,000 
Youth Healthcare Career Exploration $240,310 
Economic Revitalization Implementation Plan $650,000 
Columbia City Patio $120,000 
Public arts and cultural/creative industry programming (ARTS-002-B-001) $1,500,000 
Workforce development for youth experiencing homelessness (HOM-003-B-001) $350,000 
Business outreach in Northgate (OED-004-B-001) $50,000 
New and emerging businesses support in Lake City (OED-005-B-001) $50,000 


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