Council’s priorities to take shape through adds, cuts
SEATTLE – Councilmember Lisa Herbold (District 1, West Seattle & Highland Park), and Chair of the Council’s Select Budget Committee will release an initial balancing package of amendments to the Mayor’s proposed budget on Tuesday, October 31 beginning at 9:30 a.m.
“This initial proposed balancing package strives to address the most immediate needs of our City, especially for the many people in our City who are not benefiting from Seattle’s economic growth,” said Herbold. “In fact, even Mayor Burgess’ proposed budget recognizes that Seattle’s economic growth has contributed to homelessness. Page two of the 2018 Proposed Budget Executive Summary document reads:
Despite the economic prosperity driving growth in the City’s revenues, and in part because of it, Seattle is facing a homelessness crisis of unprecedented proportions.
“The proposed balancing package reflects Councilmember priorities indicated during Budget Committee discussions, including decisions about appropriations and cuts intended to help balance the City’s budget,” added Herbold.
The City’s budget must be balanced such that authorized annual spending does not exceed reasonably anticipated annual revenues.
A second public hearing on the 2018 budget is scheduled for November 1 at 5:30 p.m. in Seattle City Hall. On Tuesday, November 7, proposed revisions to the balancing package will be discussed as part of the Select Budget Committee meeting beginning at 9:30 a.m. Council must approve a balanced budget by December 2 and appropriate (or authorize use of) all funds before they may be expended.
WHO: Select Budget Committee members
WHAT: initial discussion of Budget Balancing Package
WHEN: Tuesday, October 31 at 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: Council Chambers, Floor 2
Newell Aldrich, Councilmember Herbold’s Office, 206-684-8803
Dana Robinson Slote, Council Communications, 206-615-0061
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