Councilmember Rob Johnson (District 4, Northeast Seattle), Chair of the Council’s Planning, Land Use & Zoning Committee, issued the following statement after Council’s 7-0 approval of the 23rd Avenue rezone and Action Plan:
“The strength of the Central Area planning process is a result of the community engagement that has occurred over the last several years. Many of the priorities identified in the 23rd Avenue Action Plan and Urban Design Framework affirm longstanding community priorities identified in the neighborhood plan as a way to respond to new opportunities and challenges that the Central Area has recently experienced.
“The innovative community-driven partnerships we’ve seen from the engagement of residents and business owners in the Central Area represent a strong model for collaboration in new developments. For example, Capitol Hill Housing, Africatown and Lake Union Partners are demonstrating a new kind of collaboration that will lead to over 100 units of affordable housing for a variety of income levels ranging from below 30% to below 60% of area median income, with a variety of unit types and sizes.
“While the legislation passed today represents geographically small zoning changes, it goes a long way in affirming 23rd Ave as a key business district serving the Central Area and the African American community in Seattle and beyond. Today, we celebrate community members who have been working for years to protect the history, culture and strength of the neighborhood.
“I want to thank everyone – both in the community and in our City departments – who has spent time getting us to this point and committed to making these plans a reality.