On June 12, 2017, I released draft legislation along with Councilmember Herbold to tax the rich in Seattle. The press release can be read here, and the full legislation is available here.
I ran for office four years ago on a program of a $15 per hour minimum wage, to tax the rich, and for rent control. We won $15 by building the 15 Now grassroots campaign. Now we’re on the cusp of taxing Seattle’s rich, because socialists, activists, and community organizers have tirelessly built up our movement over the years. Our movement will continue to organize in our interests, against big business and the super rich, to make Seattle affordable for all.
This Tax the Rich legislation will be heard in City Hall on Wednesday, June 14, at 5:00pm. Please join us to pack City Hall for a public hearing and demand Council tax the rich with no loopholes!