Upcoming Office Hours and Legislative Updates

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Upcoming Office Hours

We are once again bringing City Hall to District 6 on Wednesday April 5! Please join me at the Ballard Public Library from 4:30-6:30pm. Bring your questions and concerns about your neighborhood. There is no official sign-up and one-on-one meetings will be available based on first-come, first-serve.

Greenlake Community Center

The Green Lake Community Center is a true “gem” of Seattle. While the building itself is showing signs of age, the community it continues to foster is as powerful as ever. I deeply value this community space and want to ensure it remains enjoyable and accessible for all the members of District 6 and the larger community. The Seattle Parks and Recreation Department has identified that the community center needs major capital improvements. It has been estimated that the necessary rebuild would cost more than $25 million. There has been much community conversation about achieving these improvements. In a Community Center Strategic Plan document last year, the Parks Department expressed concern about their ability to fund the rebuild and suggested exploring alternate arrangements including long term financing and partnering with non-profits. Some community members have expressed strong skepticism about a partnership and frustration that ongoing maintenance is falling behind. While I am open to exploring creative solutions, any plan will need broad community support to earn my backing. I look forward to working with the Parks Department and community members to find a financially sound and community supported plan to move forward.

Update on Backyard Cottage Legislation and Next Steps

In May of 2016, I released a proposal that would make it easier for more homeowners to build backyard cottages and mother-in-law units in Seattle, and provide more affordable housing options for Seattle renters.  This past December, we received a response from the Hearing Examiner that reversed the City’s SEPA determination of non-significance. After thorough examination of her response, we have decided to pursue a full environmental impact statement (EIS).  This process will likely take a year to complete. When the EIS is complete, we hope to bring legislation to committee by mid-2018.

Final Route Chosen for Burke-Gilman Missing Link

After more than 20 years of disputes, Seattle’s biking community and members of Ballard’s maritime industry have agreed on a route to complete the missing link of the Burke-Gilman Trail along Shilshole Avenue through Ballard. This route represents the interests of the thousands of people who have written comments, attended rallies, and publicly testified for the “Shilshole South” Alternative. The Final Environmental Impact Statement will be completed this Spring, with construction anticipated to start in 2018. While there is still the possibility of an appeal, the City does not anticipate further delays, and I will do everything I can to accelerate the timeline.