Councilmember Harrell to Host Panel on Reducing Student Suspensions, Ending Racial Disparity in School Punishment

Home » Councilmember Harrell to Host Panel on Reducing Student Suspensions, Ending Racial Disparity in School Punishment

City of Seattle

Councilmember Harrell to Host Panel on Reducing Student Suspensions, Ending Racial Disparity in School Punishment

SEATTLECouncilmember Bruce Harrell, chair of the Public Safety, Civil Rights and Technology Committee, will host Oakland Unified School District officials at a special Friday meeting to explore Oakland’s 4-pronged approach to reducing student suspensions and their effort to eliminate racial disproportionality in discipline.

Oakland Unified School District has achieved a 47% decrease in suspensions after enacting policies in 2010 relating to restorative justice; positive behavioral interventions, trauma-informed care, and culturally relevant instruction.

The discussion is sponsored by the City of Seattle, King County, the University of Washington School of Social Work Communities in Action, Seattle Public Schools’ African American Male Scholar Think Tank, and the Rainier Beach Action Coalition.

Rethinking School Discipline with the Oakland Unified School DistrictDiscussion with Oakland, CA officials regarding reducing student suspensions, ending racial disparity in school discipline

Seattle City Hall
Bertha Knight Landes Room, First Floor
600 4th Ave., Seattle 98104

Friday, July 17
12:00 p.m.

Council President Tim Burgess
Councilmember Bruce Harrell
Councilmember Nick Licata
Seattle School Board Director Betty Patu
Former Assistant State Superintendent Erin Jones
Oakland Unified School District Coordinator of Attendance and Discipline Theresa Clincy
Oakland Unified School District Police Sergeant Antonio Fregoso
Oakland Unified School District Director of Behavioral Health Initiatives Barbara McClung
Oakland Unified School District Manhood Development Instructor and Restorative Justice Coordinator Emilio Ortega

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