Action Summary of the Seattle City Council
Full Council Meeting
Monday, February 2, 2015
All Councilmembers were present.
1. Res. 31561 ADOPTED AS AMENED (8-1; Opposed CM Sawant)
Revising certain General Rules and Procedures of the Seattle City Council; amending Attachment 1 of Resolution 31489, Section III.D.
2. C.F. 314222 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Appointment of Alexandra Moravec as member, Seattle Design Review Board, for a term of confirmation to April 3, 2016.
3. C.B. 118312 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to the Transit Corridor Improvements project; authorizing the Director of the Department of Transportation to acquire, accept, and record on behalf of the City of Seattle, a deed for street purposes for a portion of Block 2, Lake Union Addition to the City of Seattle, from the Seattle School District No. 1, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, placing the real property conveyed by such deed under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation and designating the property for street purposes; and ratifying and confirming prior acts.
4. C.B. 118313 PASSED (9-0)
Accepting twenty limited purpose easements for sidewalk or alley purposes and one correction easement for sidewalk purposes; laying off, opening, widening, extending, and establishing portions of rights-of-way; placing the real property conveyed by said deeds under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. (This ordinance concerns the following rights of way: the sidewalk adjoining portions of the Southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 24 North, Range 4 East and the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 24 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; the sidewalk adjoining Block 7, Sunnyside Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Block 22, Hill Tract Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Block 11, Supplementary Plat of Union Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Tracts 15 and 16, Morningside Acre Tracts; the sidewalk adjoining Blocks 35, 36, and 37, Woodlawn Addition to Green Lake; the sidewalks adjoining Block 16, Pontius Third Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; the sidewalk adjoining Block 3, Elbert Place Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Block 48, Second Addition to the Town of Seattle as laid off by the Heirs of Sarah A. Bell, (deceased) (Commonly known as Heirs of Sara A. Bell’s 2nd Addition to the City of Seattle); the sidewalk adjoining Block 19, Seattle Suburban Home Tracts; the sidewalk adjoining Block 29, First Addition to the that Part of the Town of Seattle, laid off by Wm. N. Bell and A.A. Denny (Commonly known as Bell & Denny’s 1st Addition to the City of Seattle); Block 4, Eastern Addition of the Town of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Parcel B, City of Seattle Lot Boundary Adjustment Number 3011789, under King County Recording Number 20110215900006; the sidewalk adjoining Block D, Brooklyn Supplemental Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Parcel A, City of Seattle Lot Boundary Adjustment Number 3012550, under King County Recording Number 20120125900011 as corrected by Affidavit of Minor Correction of Map recorded under Recording No. 20120222000520; the sidewalk adjoining Lot A, City of Seattle Lot Boundary Adjustment Number 3008060, under King County Recording Number 20080703900001; the alley in Block 55 and Block 56, Boston Co’s Plat of West Seattle).
5. C.B. 118314 PASSED (9-0)
Accepting various deeds for street or alley purposes; laying off, opening, widening, extending, and establishing portions of rights-of-way; placing the real property conveyed by said deeds under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. (This ordinance concerns the following rights of way: 15th Avenue Northeast and Northeast 50th Street abutting Block 3, University Heights; the alley in Block 2, Shelton’s Addition to the City of Seattle; 2nd Avenue Southwest abutting Parcels A and B, City of Seattle Short Subdivision No. 2400518; the alley in Block L, Bell’s 5th Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block P, Bell’s 5th Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 9, Cowen’s University Park; the alley in Block 29, Bell & Denny’s 1st Addition; Sand Point Way Northeast and 40th Avenue Northeast abutting the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; the alley in Block 14, Replat of Blocks 1, 2, 6, 7, 13, 14 and 23, North Seattle; the alley in Block 8, Fairview Homestead Association, for the Benefit of Mechanics and Laborers; the alley in Parcels A & B, City of Seattle Lot Boundary Adjustment Number 3008060; the alley in Block 13, Replat of Blocks 1, 2, 6, 7, 13, 14 and 23, North Seattle; the alley in Block 35, Cottage Grove No. 3; the alley in Block 21, Second Addition to that part of the City of Seattle, as Laid Off by A. A. Denny’s and W. N. Bell (Commonly known as Bell & Denny’s Second Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley in Block 4, Francies R. Day’s LaGrande; the alley in Block 10, Pettit’s University Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 26, Plan of North Seattle; the alley in the Henry L. Yesler Donation Land Claim in Township 24 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; the alley in Block 9, Pettit’s University Addition to the City of Seattle).
6. C.B. 118315 PASSED (9-0)
Accepting twenty limited purpose easements for public sidewalk or street and alley turn- around, purposes; laying off, opening, widening, extending, and establishing portions of rights-of-way; placing the real property conveyed by said deeds under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. (This ordinance concerns the following rights of way: the sidewalk adjoining Parcel A, City of Seattle Lot Boundary Adjustment No. 3012550 recorded under Recording Number 20120125900011, as corrected by Affidavit of Minor Correction of Map recorded under Recording No. 20120222000520; the sidewalk adjoining the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 36, Township 26 North, Range 3 East, W. M.; the sidewalks adjoining Block 2, Werett’s Addition to the City of Seattle and Sections 31 and 32 Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W. M.; the sidewalk adjoining Block 10, James Division of Green Lake Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalks adjoining Block 8, Pettit’s University Addition to the City of Seattle and Block 2, Shelton’s Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Parcel A, City of Seattle Short Subdivision Number 9904054, recorded under King County Recording Number 19991214900006; the sidewalk adjoining Block 10, Pettit’s University Addition to the City of Seattle; Block 9, Cowen’s University Park; the sidewalk adjoining Block 2, Replat of Twelve Avenue Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Government Lot 2, Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W. M.; the sidewalk adjoining the Southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 26 North, Range 4 East., W. M.; 22nd Avenue Southwest abutting Block 35, Cottage Grove No. 3; the sidewalk adjoining Block 5, Portion of the Town of Seattle, as laid out on the Land Claim of Wm. H. Bell, and the North Western Extremity of the Claim of A. A. Denny (Commonly known as Bell & Denny’s Addition to the City of Seattle); the sidewalk adjoining the Southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W. M.; the sidewalk adjoining Block 25, Second Addition to the Town of Seattle as laid off by the Heirs of Sarah A. Bell, (deceased) (Commonly known as Heirs of Sarah A. Bell’s Second Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley turn-around in the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, Section 16, Township 24 North, Range 4 East, W. M.; the sidewalk adjoining Block 2, Shelton’s Addition to the City of Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Blocks 34, 35, and 36, Brooklyn Addition to Seattle; the sidewalk adjoining Tract A, Yesler Terrace Addition).
7. C.B. 118316 PASSED (9-0)
Accepting various deeds for street or alley purposes; laying off, opening, widening, extending, and establishing portions of rights-of-way; placing the real property conveyed by said deeds under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. (This ordinance concerns the following rights of way: 7th Avenue Northeast abutting Block 9, Lake View Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 23, C. D. Boren’s Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 93, D.T. Denny’s First Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 51, Boston’s Co’s Plat of West Seattle; the alley in Block 16, Brooklyn Addition to Seattle; the alley in Block 47, Nagle’s Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 42, Heirs of Sarah A. Bell’s Second Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 80, D.T. Denny’s Park Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 60, D. T. Denny’s Park Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 27, Nagle’s Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 49, A. A. Denny’s 6th Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 1, Scenic Park; the alley in Block 15, Brooklyn Addition to Seattle; the alley in Block 10, Squire Park Addition to the City of Seattle; 41st Avenue Northeast abutting the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; the alley in Block 20, Gilman’s Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 3, Borzone’s 2nd Addition to the City of Seattle; 22nd Avenue Southwest, 23rd Avenue Southwest, and Southwest Alaska Street abutting Blocks 14 and 35, Cottage Grove No. 3).
8. C.B. 118317 PASSED (9-0)
Accepting various deeds for street or alley purposes; laying off, opening, widening, extending, and establishing portions of rights-of-way; placing the real property conveyed by said deeds under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. (This ordinance concerns the following rights of way: 5th Avenue South and South Cloverdale Street abutting a portion of Government Lot 3, Section 32, Township 24 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; 5th Avenue South and South Cloverdale Street abutting Block 4 and Block 5, South Park;7th Avenue South and South Cloverdale Street abutting Block 14, South Park; the alley in Block 9, Pettit’s University Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 3, Shelton’s Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 52, Yesler’s 2nd Addition (Supplemental) to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 4, C.P. Stone’s Home Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 47, Nagle’s Addition to the City of Seattle, as laid off by D.T. Denny, Guardian of the Estate of J. H. Nagle (Commonly known as Nagle’s Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley in Block 10, Randell’s 2nd Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 86, D T. Denny’s Park Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 92, David T. Denny’s First Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 57, D.T. Denny’s Park Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 5, Portion of the Town of Seattle, as laid out on the Land Claim of Wm. H. Bell, and the North Western Extremity of the Claim of A.A. Denny (Commonly known as Bell & Denny’s Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley in Block 1, Scenic Park; the alley in Block 4, Fairview Homestead Association for the Benefit of Mechanics and Laborers; the alley in Block 4, Sorenson’s Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 108, David T. Denny’s First Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 29, Town of Seattle, as laid out by D. S. Maynard, Commonly known as D. S. Maynard’s Plat of Seattle; the alley in Block 6, Interlake Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 8, Greenwood Park Addition to the City of Seattle).
9. C.B. 118318 PASSED (9-0)
Accepting various deeds for street or alley purposes; laying off, opening, widening, extending, and establishing portions of rights-of-way; placing the real property conveyed by said deeds under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. (This ordinance concerns the following rights of way: the alley in Block 17, University Park Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block “A”, Third Addition to the part of the City of Seattle heretofore laid off by A. A. Denny & William N. Bell (Commonly known as William N. Bell’s 3rd Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley in Block 34, Second Addition to the Town of Seattle as laid off by the Heirs of Sarah A. Bell, (deceased) (Commonly known as Heirs of Sarah A. Bell’s 2nd Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley in Block 59, D. T. Denny’s Park Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Blocks 55 and 56, Boston Co’s Plat of West Seattle; the alley in Block 10, Assessor’s Plat of University Heights; the alley in Block 2, Fairview Homestead Association, for the Benefit of Mechanics and Laborers; the alley in Block 80, D. T. Denny’s Park Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 90, D. T. Denny’s 5th Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 9, Francies R. Day’s LaGrande; the alley in Block A, Greene’s Replat of Block 10 Squire Park Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 11, Denny’s Addition to Ballard and Seattle; the alley in Block 36, Second Addition to the Town of Seattle as laid off by the Heirs of Sarah A. Bell, (deceased) (Commonly known as Heirs of Sarah A. Bell’s 2nd Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley in Block 23, Commercial Steam Motor Addition to the City of Seattle; 33rd Avenue South abutting Block 46, C. D. Hillman’s Rainier Boulevard Garden Addition; the alley in Block 7, Pettit’s University Addition to the City of Seattle; 33rd Avenue South and 34th Avenue South abutting Block 2, York 2nd Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 33, Boston Co.’s Plat of West Seattle; the alley in Block 16, Licton Springs Park).
10. C.B. 118273 PASSED (9-0)
Related to the City Light Department and Seattle Public Utilities; transferring jurisdiction of the former Wabash Substation Property from the City Light Department to Seattle Public Utilities for water, drainage, and other utility purposes.
11. C.B. 118274 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to the City Light Department; accepting statutory warranty deeds to the Fullerton property in King County, Washington, and the Fontana, Learneds Little Houses, LLC., Morgan, Nihart, and Scheer properties in Skagit County, Washington, for salmonid habitat protection purposes; declaring certain real property rights surplus to utility needs; ratifying the grants of Deeds of Right to the State of Washington on the Fontana, Learned, and Scheer properties for salmon recovery and conservation purposes; placing said lands under the jurisdiction of the City Light Department; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
12. C.F. 314246 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Appointment of Gail E. Labanara as member, Seattle City Light Review Panel, for a term of confirmation to January 27, 2018.
13. C.F. 314247 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Appointment of Sara Patton as member, Seattle City Light Review Panel, for a term of confirmation to January 27, 2018.
14. C.F. 314219 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Appointment of Tory Laughlin Taylor as member, Housing Levy Oversight Committee, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2016.
15. C.F. 314236 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Appointment of Vallerie Fisher as member, Housing Levy Oversight Committee, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2016.