Action Summary, Monday, January 12, 2015

Home » Action Summary, Monday, January 12, 2015

Action Summary of the Seattle City Council

Full Council Meeting

Monday, January 12, 2015

 All Councilmembers were present.



1.  C.F. 314233FILED (8-1: Opposed Councilmember Sawant)

December 2014 Report of the Police Intelligence Audit Pursuant to Ordinance 108333 (Seattle Municipal Code 14.12).

2. C.F. 314234 FILED (8-1: Opposed Councilmember Sawant)

Response of the Police Chief to the December 2014 Report of the Intelligence Audit, filed pursuant to Ordinance 108333 (Seattle Municipal Code 14.12).



3. C.F. 314067 FILED (8-1: Opposed Councilmember Sawant)

August 2014 Report of the Police Intelligence Audit Pursuant to Ordinance 108333 (Seattle Municipal Code 14.12).

4. C.F. 314083 FILED (8-1: Opposed Councilmember Sawant)

Response of the Police Chief to the August 2014 Report of the Intelligence Auditor, filed pursuant to Ordinance 108333 (Seattle Municipal Code 14.12).

5. C.B. 118295 PASSED (9-0)

Relating to the City’s criminal code; amending and adding to various sections and subsections in Chapters 3.33, 12A.06, 12A.08, 12A.10, 12A.14, 12A.16, 12A.20, 12A.24, 12A.28, 16.20 and 16.64 and repealing sections 2.20.010 and 2.20.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code.

6. C.B. 118297 PASSED (9-0)

Relating to the City’s traffic code; amending various sections and subsections in and adding sections to Chapters 11.22, 11.31, 11.34, 11.56, 11.57, 11.64, 11.66 and 11.82 and repealing sections 11.66.060, 11.66.080 and 11.66.100 of the Seattle Municipal Code to conform with changes in state law.

7. C.B. 118296 PASSED (9-0)

Relating to the implementation and operation of a new regional 800 MHz emergency public safety radio communication system; authorizing the Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Information Technology to execute for and on behalf of the City of Seattle an interlocal agreement between the City of Seattle, King County and the Cities of Auburn, Bellevue, Federal Way, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Redmond, Renton and Tukwila for the purpose of planning, financing, procuring and implementing a new 800 MHz emergency radio communication system to be funded through a separate King County property tax ballot measure; and ratifying and confirming prior acts.

8. C.B. 118298 PASSED (9-0)

Relating to the future operation of a new regional 800 MHz emergency public safety radio communication system; authorizing the Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Information Technology to execute for and on behalf of the City of Seattle a memorandum of agreement between the City of Seattle, King County and the Cities of Auburn, Bellevue, Federal Way, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Redmond, Renton and Tukwila for the purpose of establishing key terms for a future interlocal agreement to create a non-profit corporation, as provided under RCW 39.34.030, to manage, operate, and maintain a future regional emergency radio communication system.