Action Summary, Monday, December 8, 2014

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Action Summary of the Seattle City Council

Full Council Meeting

Monday, December 8, 2014

Councilmember Burgess was excused.



1. Res. 31558 ADOPTED (8-0)

Related to the 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy and the Victor Steinbrueck Park improvement project; determining the project is needed and should proceed and authorizing the project design and public outreach process.

2. C.B. 118269  PASSED (8-0)

Relating to 14 th Avenue NW; transferring partial jurisdiction over a portion of 14 th Avenue NW between NW 59 th Street and NW 61 st Street from the Seattle Department of Transportation to the Department of Parks and Recreation for neighborhood park purposes; deleting the Ballard Hub Urban Village project from the Neighborhood Park Acquisition Subcategory of the Acquisition Category of the 2008 Parks and Green Spaces; adding 14 th Avenue NW Neighborhood Park Development as a new project in the Neighborhood Parks and Playgrounds Subcategory of the Development Category of the 2008 Parks and Green Spaces; reallocating funding from the Neighborhood Park Acquisition Subcategory to the Neighborhood Parks and Playgrounds Development Subcategory of the 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy; increasing appropriations to the Department of Parks and Recreation in the 2014 Adopted Budget; and amending the 2014-2019 Adopted Capital Improvement Program; all by a three- fourths vote of the City Council.

3. C.F. 314161  CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Jan Levy as member, Seattle Center Advisory Commission, for a term of confirmation to September 28, 2017.

4. C.F. 314162  CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Hollis Wong-Wear as member, Seattle Center Advisory Commission, for a term of confirmation to September 28, 2017.

5. C.B. 118272 PASSED (8-0)

Relating to City employment commonly referred to as the Fourth Quarter 2014 Employment Ordinance; designating positions as exempt from Civil Service status, amending Seattle Municipal Code Section 4.13.010, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Seattle/Seattle Public Utilities and the Plumbers and Pipefitters, Local 32, and ratifying and confirming prior acts; all by a 2/3 vote of the City Council.

6. C.B. 118285  PASSED (8-0)

Relating to City employment; adding a new section to Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 4.20 to provide a wage supplement and insurance benefits for employees who are mobilized by the United States Armed Forces for active military service.

7. C.F. 314178  CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Lucy M. Gaskill-Gaddis as member, Families and Education Oversight Committee, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2017.

8. C.F. 314179   CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Greg Wong as member, Families and Education Oversight Committee, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2017.

9. C.F. 314180   CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Bruce D. Carter as member, Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2017.

10. C.B. 118286 PASSED (7-1; Opposed: Sawant)

Relating to security from terrorism; authorizing the City to partner with the State of Washington and King County to receive financial assistance from the Department of Homeland Security, Office for State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness under the Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant for Federal Fiscal Year 2013; authorizing an application for allocation of funds under that agreement; amending the 2014 Adopted Budget Ordinance 124349 by increasing appropriations to the Seattle Police Department and Seattle Fire Department and accepting revenues; and, ratifying and confirming prior acts, all by a three-fourths vote of the City Council.

11. C.F. 314182  CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Nourisha K. Wells as member, Citizens’ Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to January 1, 2017.

12. C.F. 314163 CONFIRMED (8-0)

Appointment of Rhea Lahiri as member, Burke-Gilman Place Public Development Authority, for a term of confirmation to October 1, 2017.

13. C.F. 314130  CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Dan Bernard as member, Burke-Gilman Place Public Development Authority, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2017.

14. C.F. 314131  CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Jennifer G. Kelty as member, Burke-Gilman Place Public Development Authority, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2017.

15. C.F. 314132  CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Michael J. Hatzenbeler as member, Burke-Gilman Place Public Development Authority, for a term of confirmation to September 30, 2017.

16. C.F. 314133  CONFIRMED (8-0)

Reappointment of Ruthann Martin as member, Burke-Gilman Place Public Development Authority, for a term of confirmation to September 30, 2017.