Councilmember Harrell to host Chief O’Toole for First SPD Report

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Councilmember Harrell to host Chief O’Toole for First SPD Report

Seattle Councilmember Bruce Harrell, chair of the Council’s Public Safety, Civil Rights and Technology Committee, will host the Seattle Police Department (SPD) at Monday morning’s Council Briefings meeting to receive Chief O’Toole’s first quarterly report to Council and to review the bias crime report from the first half of 2014.

SPD provides quarterly progress reports to Council, but this Monday’s meeting will be Chief O’Toole’s first report since taking command in Seattle. The bias crimes briefing comes in response to Council’s request to receive updates about bias crime incidents in the city and how SPD responds to those crimes.

The discussion will occur during Council’s regular Monday morning Briefings meeting and the conversation is expected to start approximately 9:30 a.m.

Council Briefings meeting re: Quarterly SPD Progress Report; Bias Crimes in Seattle

Monday, October 6, 9:30 a.m.

Council Chambers, 2nd floor
Seattle City Hall, 600 Fourth Avenue, Seattle 98104

Chief Kathleen O’Toole, Seattle Police Department
Representatives from Seattle Police Department

[View in Council Newsroom]