Councilmember Licata Announces Council Budget Review Process

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Councilmember Licata Announces Council Budget Review Process

SEATTLESeattle City Councilmember Nick Licata, chair of the Council’s Budget Committee, today announced this autumn’s City Council budget review process. The announcement follows delivery of Mayor Ed Murray’s proposed 2015-2016 operating budget earlier today.

"I look forward to examining the Mayor’s proposed budget, keeping in mind the highest priorities the Council expressed in a letter to the Mayor in early August: human services, public safety and transportation. Those priorities were informed by a series of community meetings I hosted earlier this year."

Public input is vital to Council review and helps Councilmembers develop a budget that best reflects the needs of the City.  The Council will hold two public hearings, on October 7 at Garfield Community Center, and October 23 at Seattle City Hall. Both begin at 5:30 p.m.

The schedule for Council consideration of the Mayor’s Proposed Budget is as follows:

October 2              Overview of Mayor’s Proposed Budget
October 7-10:         Department budget overviews
October 20-24        Issue Identification
October 30-Nov. 6  Presentation/Discussion of Options (Round 1)
November 12-14     Final Decisions and Votes (Round 2)
November 24          Full Council adopts 2015 budget, endorses 2016 budget

The Council’s budget website has additional information, including a glossary of budget terms and links to supporting documents, as they become available.  All budget documents will also be publically accessible on the updated City Clerk’s online budget database

Councilmember Licata recorded this video that explains the Council’s budget process and timeline.

The public is welcome to attend meetings, and can watch live on the Seattle Channel at  Comments on the budget can also be submitted online to

Budget Public Hearings

Tuesday, October 7
5:30 p.m.
Garfield Community Center
2323 E Cherry St.
Seattle, WA  98122

Thursday, October 23
5:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers
600 4th Avenue, 2nd floor
Seattle, WA  98104

[View in Council Newsroom]