Action Summary of the Seattle City Council
Full Council Meeting
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
All Councilmembers were present.
1. Res. 31538
Relating to Indigenous Peoples’ Day; declaring the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day in the City of Seattle; encouraging other institutions to recognize the Day; and reaffirming the City’s commitment to promote the well-being and growth of Seattle’s American Indian and Indigenous community.
2. C.B. 118162 PASSED (8-1; Opposed: Sawant)
Relating to enforcement and timely payment of parking infractions; providing authority to provide notice through u se of a vehicle notification sticker that a vehicle may be immobilized; correcting a conflicting provision with regard to the time to request administrative review; providing that any person who unlawfully removes an immobilization device and is
immobilized a second time is not eligible for a payment plan; and amending Seattle Municipal Code Sections 11.35.010 and 11.35.020.
3. C.B. 118129 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to the 23rd Avenue Corridor Improvements project; transferring jurisdiction of a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Sander-Boman Real Estate Co.’s 1st Addition to the City of Seattle, from the Department of Parks and Recreation to the Department of Transportation; laying-off, opening, widening, extending, establishing, and designating the property for street purposes; superseding requirements of Ordinance 118477; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
4. C.B. 118148 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to a pedestrian tunnel under and across East Thomas Street, east of 15th Avenue East; amending Ordinance 122597; updating the insurance and bond requirements; amending the annual fee and other terms and conditions of the perm it; renewing the term of the permit to Group Health Cooperative, formerly known as Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound; providing for the acceptance of the permit and conditions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
5. C.B. 118156 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to the State Route 520 Project; authorizing the Director of the Department of Transportation to acquire, accept, and record on behalf of the City of Seattle, a statutory warranty deed for a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Glenwilde Addition to the City of Seattle, from Michael Leigh, a single person; placing the real property conveyed by such deed under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation and designating the property for street purposes; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
6. C.F. 313716 GRANTED (9-0)
Petition of Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority for the vacation of a portion of Armory Way a s condemned by Ordinance 67125 lying between Elliott Avenue and Western Avenue and vacated Pine Street and Virginia Street.
7. C.B. 118142 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to historic preservation, imposing controls upon the Metropolitan Printing Press Company Building, a land mark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
8. C.B. 118143 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to historic preservation, imposing controls upon the RKO Distributing Company Building, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
9. C.B. 118169 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to Seattle Public Utilities; declaring the real property at 5560 South Holly Street surplus to the City’s needs and authorizing the Director of Seattle Public Utilities to sell the property through an open competitive process .
10. C.B. 118170 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to Seattle Public Utilities; declaring certain real property rights relating to sewer facility easements within the campus of the University of Washington as being surplus to City utility needs; authorizing the Director of Seattle Public Utilities to relinquish such easement rights and accept a new easement grant from the University of Washington for a City-owned sanitary sewer facility; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
11. C.F. 313886 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Appointment of John Ogliore as member, Pike Place Market Historical Commission, for a term of confirmation to December 1, 2016.
12. Res. 31536 ADOPTED (9-0)
Identifying proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments to be considered for possible adoption in 2015 and requesting that the Department of Planning and Development and the Seattle Planning Commission review and make recommendations about the proposed amendments.
13. C.F. 313734 GRANTED AS CONDITIONED (9-0)
Council land use action to allow 216 and 34 sq. ft. additions to Fire Station No. 29, located at 2139 Ferry Ave SW (Project No. 3017244, Type V).
14. C.B. 118147 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to land use and zoning, extending a deadline for compliance with locational restrictions in Section 23.42 .058 on the production, processing, selling, or delivery of marijuana; and repealing Section 7 of Ordinance 124326.
15. C.B. 118155 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services, declaring the property located at 3205 13th Avenue West, commonly known as former Fire Station 20, surplus to the City’s needs and authorizing the Director of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services to sell the site and building through an open competitive process.
16. C.B. 118158 PASSED (9-0)
Authorizing, in 2014, acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of the Executive Department, Department of Planning and Development, Department of Parks and Recreation, Seattle Police Department and the Seattle Department of Transportation to accept specified grants and private funding and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
17. C.B. 118159 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to the 2014 Budget; amending Ordinance 124349, which adopted the 2014 Budget, including the 2014- 2019 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; adding new projects; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2014-2019 CIP; creating positions; creating exempt positions; modifying positions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council.
18. C.B. 118166 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services, declaring the property located at 620 South Mai n Street as surplus to the City’s needs; and authorizing the Director of Finance and Administrative Services to negotiate and execute all documents for the sale and transfer of the property to the InterIm Community Development Authority.
19. C.B. 118172 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to the City Light Department, declaring the former Greenlake, Beverly, and Boulevard Park Substation properties as surplus to the City’s needs and no longer required for providing public utility service or other municipal purpose; authorizing the sale of said properties through brokered sales to be managed by the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; and authorizing the General Manager and Chief Executive Officer of the City Light Department to execute all necessary documents to accomplish such property sales.
20. C.F. 313938 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Reappointment of K. Wyking Garrett as member, Seattle Music Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 1, 2016.
21. C.F. 313939 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Reappointment of Megan Jasper as member, Seattle Music Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 1, 2016.
22. C.F. 313940 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Reappointment of Alex Kochan as member, Seattle Music Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 1, 2016.
23. C.F. 313941 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Reappointment of Tom Mara as member, Seattle Music Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 1, 2016.
24. C.F. 313942 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Reappointment of Marcus Womack as member, Seattle Music Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 1, 2016.
25. C.F. 313943 CONFIRMED (9-0)
Reappointment of Jody McKinley as member, Seattle Music Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 1, 2017.