Scanned copies of the signed legislation are available in the database records linked below:
Ord. 124535
C.B. 118080
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning, amending Sections 23.40.060, 23.41.012 and 23.90.018 to revise the Living Building and Seattle Deep Green Pilot program.
Ord. 124536
C.B. 118149
AN ORDINANCE relating to a lease agreement for office space; authorizing the Director of Finance and Administrative Services to enter into a lease agreement, for and on behalf of the City, with Columbia Center Property LLC for office space in the Columbia Center at 701 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, Washington, for use by the Law Department; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Ord. 124537
C.B. 118152
AN ORDINANCE related to the Office of Housing; lifting a budget proviso imposed on the Office of Housing Operating Fund Budget Control Level to allow spending for a predevelopment study that would evaluate the feasibility of expanding Legacy House and an International Community Health Services clinic as provided in Ordinance 124349, which adopted the 2014 Budget.
Ord. 124538
C.B. 118153
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Res. 31526
A RESOLUTION relating to the Center City Connector; adopting the Center City Connector Transit Study Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA); and endorsing efforts to pursue federal funding for the Center City Connector project.
Res. 31535
A RESOLUTION affirming the City’s intent to consider, in good faith, ways to address public comments regarding how to strengthen the City’s police accountability system.