4Culture wants your short (less than 50 words), original poem. The theme? Writing Home.
Poems about writing home can be submitted in English, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese. If your poem is selected, it will be displayed on select Metro Transit RapidRide buses beginning this November. The poetry buses will run for a year and the project website will feature 365 poems, a new poem each day.
The deadline is June 30, just a little more than a week away. So start writing today! You can submit your poem on the theme of writing home to poetryonbuses.org
If you don’t want to write a poem but know people that will, Spread the word and send http://bit.ly/pob2014” to your friends and family.
If you have a question about the Poetry on Buses program you can contact info@poetryonbuses.org
And if you want to read OR hear some poetry, remember that I instituted poetry readings before his committee meetings in 1998. The are scores of poems of local poems archived on my page in both written and video versions! See here http://www.seattle.gov/council/licata/poetword.htm
NOTE: Poetry on Buses is a project of 4Culture supported by Percent-for-Art funding.