Council has been overwhelmed by the Seattleite response to the minimum wage discussions over the last few months. From the letters and emails, to the public meetings and forums, the immense amount of feedback has shown us just how important this topic truly is, and how significant a minimum wage increase could be to both business owners and workers across all industries.
As you already know, yesterday, Mayor Ed Murray announced a recommended path to a higher minimum wage for Seattle. The recommendation includes a phase-in period and provisions for both small businesses and total compensation. Council will most likely receive a public briefing of the legislation on May 5th and begin discussions at that time. I hope you will join Council at the many meetings planned for this discussion, as the more input, the stronger the final outcome.
I am very heartened that so many people have taken the time to become informed about this subject. I know this legislation has the potential to greatly affect a large number of Seattle citizens, and I am aware that this may lead to a number of related conversations down the road. Seattle is on the cusp of taking a big step forward for our city and I am grateful to have so many perspectives ensuring it is a thoughtful and inclusive step.