Comptroller File 145668 contains the following letter from the Seattle Baseball Club:
December 22, 1934
To the Honorable City Council
Seattle, Washington
The Board of Trustees of the Seattle Baseball Club Inc. has instructed the undersigned to respectfully call to the attention of your honorable body that at no time during the 1934 playing season of Baseball at the Civic Auditorium was the selling of beer and the drinking thereof the cause of boisterous, noisy or objectionable conduct on the part of any one in attendance. That from careful observation it was learned that in almost every case the drinking of beer was done in a temperate manner.
That the members of the Board of Trustees feel that to curtail or abridge the right of the public to purchase beer at the playing field, of the Civic Auditorium, would certainly be denying it the privilege accorded said public by the repeal of the 18th Amendment.
Respectfully yours, C. Norman Dickison Secretary, Treasurer Seattle Baseball Club Inc.
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