This investment of this revenue from automated school zone speed cameras is newly required because in July of this year the City Council passed legislation that mandates that these dollars be dedicated to traffic and pedestrian safety improvements near schools.
This $14.8 million in new road safety investments is proposed to make traffic safety improvements around schools across the City.
My position since 2008 has been that revenue from automated traffic enforcement should fund road and pedestrian safety improvements as is recommended by the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances. Ninety-six percent of all violators who have paid their tickets, have not gotten another violation. This is proof that these speed cameras are working to change driver behavior. In dedicating the funding to make new traffic and pedestrian safety improvements we can also change the physical environment that drivers and walkers move through.
Before the passage of this law, the level of funding in the City’s capital budget leading to new crosswalks, signage and other safety enhancements occurred was
scheduled to occur at 7 schools in 2013. The mayor’s announcement today allows improvements at at least 8 additional schools in 2013 and another $6 million in safety improvement funding near 13 schools in 2014.