PDF copies of the signed legislation are available in the database records linked below:
Res. 31447
A RESOLUTION adopting the 2013 Seattle Climate Action Plan.
Res. 31448
A RESOLUTION relating to the 2005 Transportation Strategic Plan Update, adopted by Resolution 30790, and the Seattle Transit Plan: To Get Seattle Moving, adopted by Resolution 30799; and authorizing an amendment to the Transit Classification Map.
Res. 31455
A RESOLUTION supporting creation of a secure, convenient medicine return program in King County to reduce the public safety and environmental impacts of unwanted medicines.
Ord. 124194
C.B. 117799
AN ORDINANCE approving the extension of a Property Use and Development Agreement and a contract rezone approved by Ordinance 121164 for Seattle Housing Authority’s High Point Community Garden housing development located at 6550 — 32nd Avenue SW.
Ord. 124204
C.B. 117793
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department; declaring certain real property rights surplus to utility needs; authorizing the Superintendent or his designee to grant an easement for access and parking purposes over a portion of the City’s fee-owned Duwamish Transmission Corridor adjacent to South 112th Street in the City of Tukwila, Washington; and accepting payment for the true and full value of the easement from Amalfi Investments, LLC; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Ord. 124205
C.B. 117797
AN ORDINANCE relating to the redevelopment of the Leschi House property at 1011 S. Weller St., which was developed with the proceeds of the City of Seattle’s bonds issued pursuant to Ordinance 110124; approving the long-term lease by the Seattle Housing Authority of the property and authorizing a fourth amendment to the Housing Cooperation Agreement made under Ordinance 110433, all in order to enable the financing with federal tax credits of the rehabilitation of existing housing and the construction of additional housing for low-income persons who are elderly or have disabilities; and ratifying and confirming prior acts.
Ord. 124206
C.B. 117808
AN ORDINANCE relating to Campaign finance regulations, repealing sections 2.04.400, 2.04.410, 2.04.420, .2.04.430, 2.04.440, 2.04.450, 2.04.460, and 2.04.470 of the Seattle Municipal Code relating to public financing of political campaigns, all of which were rendered void by state law.
Ord. 124207
C.B. 117809
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.