The following is a summation of Council actions at Monday’s 2 p.m. Full Council meeting.
8 Councilmembers present, Councilmember Tom Rasmussen excused.
1. Council Bill 117815 (PDF Version) PASS (8 – 0)
Authorizing the Human Services Department to enter into a contract with a non-profit organization to provide outreach, engagement, case management, shelter, housing and other services to immediately move the campers at the encampment at 7116 W Marginal Way SW to appropriate shelter, housing and services; appropriating $500,000 for such purpose; declaring an emergency; and ratifying and confirming prior acts; all with a three-fourths vote of the City Council.
2. Clerk File 313092 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Jonathan A. Grant as member, 2009 Housing Levy Oversight Committee, for a term of confirmation to June 30, 2014.
3. Clerk File 312998 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment and Oath of Office of Lewis Pierce Murphy as Director of the Office of Professional Accountability to a term from July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2016.
4. Council Bill 117781 (PDF Version) (Amendment 1 ) (Amendment 2) (Amendment 3)
Relating to land use and zoning, creating a new Section 23.42.058 and amending Sections 23.50.012, 23.84A.012, 23. 84A.018, and 23.84A.025 of the Seattle Municipal Code to establish locational restrictions on the production, processing, selling, or delivery of marijuana, to modify the definition of food processing, and to modify existing allowances for agricultural uses in certain industrial areas.
5. Council Bill 117814 (PDF Version) PASS (8 – 0)
Relating to public financing of political campaigns; providing for the submission to voters of the City, at an election to be held on November 5, 2013, of a proposition to lift the limit on regular property taxes under Chapter 84.55 R CW and authorize the City to levy additional property taxes for up to six years for the purposes of establishing a public matching funds program for financing City Council election campaigns when certain qualifying conditions are met by candidates, and limiting campaign expenditures on City election campaigns of those who voluntarily enter the Public Campaign Financing Program; establishing a campaign matching fund account in the City Treasury; amending Subchapter V of chapter 2.04 the Seattle Municipal Code and adding new sections to chapter 2.04; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
6. Council Bill 117810 (PDF Version) PASS (8 – 0)
Relating to City employment commonly referred to as the First Quarter 2013 Employment Ordinance; designating posit ions as exempt from Civil Service status, amending Seattle Municipal Code Section 4.13.010, authorizing the Mayor to exe cute a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Seattle and the Public Service and Industrial Employees Local 1239, and ratifying and confirming prior acts; all by a 2/3 vote of the City Council.
7. Council Bill 117811 (PDF Version) PASS (8 – 0)
Relating to City employment; amending Seattle Municipal Code Section 4.20.370 to reconcile it with planned changes to the public transit subsidy benefit offered to City employees; authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and certain City labor unions to amend collective bargaining agreements to reflect the benefit provided in Seattle Municipal Code Section 4.20.370; and ratifying and confirming prior acts.
8. Resolution 31457 (PDF Version) ADOPTED (8 – 0)
Reappointing one member to the Seattle-King County Taxicab Advisory Commission to advise and make recommendations on taxicab regulations to the City of Seattle and King County.
9. Council Bill 117801 (PDF Version) PASS (8 – 0)
Relating to the Washington Park Arboretum; approving the execution of a mitigation agreement among the Washington State Department of Transportation, the University of Washington, and the Washington Park Arboretum Foundation for impacts to the Arboretum from the State’s SR 520 Project; authorizing the Mayor or his designees to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; amending Ordinance 124058, which adopted the 2013 Budget, including the 2013-2018 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); creating a new fund; adding a new project; creating a new Capital Improvement Program Budget Control Level and creating a new appropriation for the implementation of the Arboretum Mitigation Plan; and ratifying and confirming prior acts; all by a three- fourths vote of the City Council.
10. Council Bill 117802 (PDF Version) PASS (8 – 0)
Relating to Freeway Park; authorizing an agreement between the City of Seattle and First Hill/Eighth Avenue LLC concerning connecting a private development to the Pigott Corridor portion of Freeway Park; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
11. Clerk File 313048 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Robert Edmiston as member, Board of Park Commissioners, for a term of confirmation to March 31, 201 6.
12. Clerk File 313049 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Chloe Fasoldt as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
13. Clerk File 313050 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Claire Huebler as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
14. Clerk File 313051 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Owain James as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
15. Clerk File 313052 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Elaine LaFontaine as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
16. Clerk File 313053 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Liam Lawrence as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
17. Clerk File 313054 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Sarah Lober as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
18. Clerk File 313055 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Sabrina Mohamed as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
19. Clerk File 313056 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Sam Orlin as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
20. Clerk File 313057 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Waylon Robert as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
21. Clerk File 313058 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Seray Savrun as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
22. Clerk File 313059 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Lena Tran as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
23. Clerk File 313060 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Vincent Tsan as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
24. Clerk File 313067 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Lizette Becerra as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
25. Clerk File 313068 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Reappointment of Delannah Collins-Wright as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31 , 2014.
26. Clerk File 313069 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Marta Deneke as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
27. Clerk File 313070 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Isabel Emery as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
28. Clerk File 313071 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Reappointment of Bryce Goldsen as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
29. Clerk File 313072 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Reappointment of Chaltu Hussein as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
30. Clerk File 313073 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Reappointment of Cecilia Kalthoff as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014
31. Clerk File 313074 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Reappointment of Ryan Lenea as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
32. Clerk File 313075 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Henry C. Meyerson as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
33. Clerk File 313076 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Reappointment of Hannah Trettenero as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014 .
34. Clerk File 313077 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Madeline Walsh as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
35. Clerk File 313078 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Reappointment of Meghan Warshaw as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.
36. Clerk File 313079 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (8 – 0)
Appointment of Greyson Zatzick as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term of confirmation to May 31, 2014.