REVISED Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar
June 24, 2013
Revised 6/21/13 at 12:37 pm
1. C.B. 117816
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council
2. C.B. 117818
AN ORDINANCE related to land use and zoning, approving and authorizing execution of a development agreement with the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (“Sound Transit”) for real properties owned by Sound Transit within the Capitol Hill Station Area Overlay District; approving and adopting revised Capitol Hill Neighborhood Design Guidelines; and amending section 23.41.010 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
3. Res. 31458
A RESOLUTION identifying proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments to be considered for possible adoption in 2014 and requesting that the Department of Planning and Development and the Seattle Planning Commission review and make recommendations about the proposed amendments.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
4. Res. 31459
A RESOLUTION establishing a City policy that green stormwater infrastructure is a critical aspect of a sustainable drainage system and adopting a 2025 goal for green stormwater infrastructure implementation in Seattle.
Committee referral: Libraries, Utilities, and Center
5. C.F. 313091
Appointment and Oath of Office of Judge Anne Levinson (Ret.) as Auditor, Office of Professional Accountability, to a term ending three years from the date of confirmation.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
6. C.F. 313092
Appointment of Jonathan A. Grant as member, 2009 Housing Levy Oversight Committee, for a term of confirmation to June 30, 2014.
Committee referral: Full Council for Action