Councilmember Nick Licata
Council creates advisory group to advise on emerging green building technologies
SEATTLE – Seattle City Council created a Green Building Technical Advisory Group (TAG) today to advise the City on its Living Building and Seattle Deep Green pilot programs. The TAG will advise the City on policies related to emerging green building technology and will also provide comment on actual proposals related to these emerging sustainable building practices. The Council also requested updates from the Department of Planning and Development on enhancements to its Living Building and Seattle Deep Green pilot programs.
The Living Building and Deep Green Pilot allows developers to request additional departures from the Seattle Land Use Code through Design Review for buildings attempting to meet stringent environmental standards, including reducing energy usage, water usage or capturing and reusing stormwater on site.
“I proposed this legislation after hearing from the Wallingford Community Council, the Bullitt Foundation and others regarding some lack of clarity with the current Living Building program,” said Councilmember Nick Licata. “I’m hopeful this Board will continue promoting and encouraging the development of buildings that achieve the highest level of environmental sustainability.”
Council’s intent in creating the Advisory Groups was to establish consistency in the review of our green building pilot programs and applications through a dedicated panel of external experts. Advisory Board members will have experience in LEED architecture, sustainable building practices and building energy systems engineering. One member will represent a neighborhood community council. Council expects legislation from DPD to create the TAG by August 31, 2013.
The Bullitt Foundation headquarters, the greenest commercial building the in the world, was developed through the City’s Living Building Challenge.