Action Summary, June 3, 2013

Home » Action Summary, June 3, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

2:00 p.m.

 The following is a summation of Council actions at today’s 2 p.m. Full Council meeting.

 Councilmember Burgess was excused from today’s meeting.


1.   Council Bill 117786  PASSED AS AMENDED (8-0)
Relating to Emergency Medical Services; authorizing execution, pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, of an agreement with King County regarding the imposition and allocation of property tax revenues generated by a six-year, vote r-approved King County-wide tax levy for emergency medical services, and approving the submittal by King County of a proposition to the voters seeking authority to levy those additional taxes.

2. Clerk File 311813  Granted as Conditioned (8-0)
Application of R.C. Backer and Aegis Living for a contract rezone of approximately 12,800 square feet of land at 225 West Galer Street from Neighborhood Commercial 2 with a 30 foot limit (NC2-30′) to Neighborhood Commercial 2 with a 40 foot limit in height (NC2- 40′), to construct a 48,000 square foot, four-story 57 unit assisted living facility, to include 21 parking stalls in a below grade garage (Project No. 3012582, Type IV).

3. Council Bill 117794  PASSED (8-0)
Relating to land use and zoning; amending the Official Land Use Map to rezone properties located at 225 West Galer Street from Neighborhood Commercial 2 with a 30 foot height limit (NC2-30) to NC2 with a 40 foot height limit (NC2-40).


4.  Resolution 31400 ADOPTED (8-0)

Declaring the City of Seattle will continue to promote and encourage the development of buildings that achieve the highest level of environmental sustainability by requesting updates and enhancements to its Living Building and Seattle Deep Green pilot programs; and requesting the formation of a Green Building Technical Advisory Group to advise the City on sustainable building practices.