We few, we hearty few, we band of neighbors. Thanks to Linda Mitchell for organizing the event; thanks to everyone who showed up and picked up trash; thanks to Bob Donegan from Ivar’s Acres of Clams and Kyle Griffith from the Great Wheel and Sour Dough Bakery for the breakfast and lunch, and thanks, to Whitey who picked up two bags of garbage from the hillside!
Thanks to SPU for providing supplies. Would someone tell me why it’s deemed acceptable manners to throw cigarette butts on the sidewalk? We picked up thousands of butts. Must we? Really?
Christine, Amber and I were glad to facilitate the joyful reunion of a constituent with her handbag. We found it in the brambles underneath the viaduct. Alisa’s handbag had been stolen a week ago when she was at GameWorks downtown. Horrible! Most items including her keys were still intact. A quick foray onto Facebook and Twitter and we located her within an hour. Big bummer on having it stolen, good karma for getting the handbag back to the rightful owner.