Councilmember Bruce Harrell proposes legislation to protect privacy concerns when drones are used

Home » Councilmember Bruce Harrell proposes legislation to protect privacy concerns when drones are used

City of Seattle FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 2/4/2013

Councilmember Bruce A. Harrell

Councilmember Bruce Harrell proposes legislation to protect privacy concerns when drones are used

Councilmember Bruce Harrell, chair of the City Council’s Public Safety, Civil Rights and Technology Committee, will introduce progressive legislation at committee this week that would regulate the Seattle Police Department’s (SPD) use of drones. Seattle will be the first city to consider drone legislation to protect the public’s civil liberties.

In anticipation of new guidelines by the Federal Aviation Administration and possible deployment by SPD for law enforcement and public safety purposes, the drone legislation will regulate SPD’s use of drones to ensure strong privacy protections are in place.

The legislation specifies how and when SPD can deploy drones. Specifically, it requires SPD to obtain a warrant prior to deployment in all cases except for exigent circumstances and training.

WHAT: Public Safety, Civil Rights and Technology Committee meeting

WHEN: Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013, at 2 p.m.

Council Chambers, second floor
Seattle City Hall, 600 Fourth Avenue, Seattle 98104

Councilmember Bruce A. Harrell
Councilmember Nick Licata
Councilmember Mike O’Brien

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