A few weeks ago I blogged about exploring public financing for Seattle elections. The next step is two public forums on January 31 and February 13.
On January 31, we’ll hear representatives from Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland to talk about how public financing works in practice. On February 13, we’ll hear from leading experts about the impacts of public financing.
Please join us; public questions are encouraged. Details are listed below, or click on the flyer.
Part 1: Public Financing in Practice
January 31, 6-8 p.m.
Seattle University, 901 12th Avenue
LeRoux Conference Center
Panel presentation with audience questions and answers featuring Heather Holt and David Tristan, Los Angeles City Ethics Commission; John St. Croix, Executive Director, San Francisco Ethics Commission; and Debbie Aiona, League of Women Voters of Portland
Part 2: Public Election Financing in Research
Wednesday, Feb. 13, 6 – 8 p.m.
Seattle Central Library Auditorium, 1000 Fourth Avenue