My wife Joleen and I proudly joined over 1,000 marchers for stronger gun safety laws at the StandUp / Cease Fire rally on Sunday. People of all ages joined together for the mile-long march from Westlake Park to Seattle Center.
Here is what I told the crowd:
All of you here today are a part of a movement – a movement in Seattle that will spread across our State of Washington and across our Nation.
We are marching today to honor the children and teachers gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary.
We are marching today to honor the victims of all tragedies of gun violence.
We are marching today because the gun violence crisis is a public health crisis.
We are marching today because we believe that education about gun safety can change hearts and minds.
We are marching today because we believe that Olympia has the power to take action.
Let us keep repeating this message together until our leaders in Olympia do the right thing and finally pass meaningful gun safety laws.