Councilmember Tim Burgess
Seattle City Council and University of Washington to hold research colloquiumCity Hall event will highlight opportunities for City collaboration with university research partners
Join Councilmembers and University of Washington professors and graduate students at a research colloquium discussing how scientific research could improve City programs or services.
WHAT: City of Seattle/University of Washington Research Colloquium brownbag
WHEN: Friday, Dec. 7, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: City Council Chambers, second floor, Seattle City Hall, 600 Fourth Ave
Seema Clifasefi, UW Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Susan Collins, UW Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Daniel Malone, The Downtown Emergency Services Center
Ross Matsueda, UW Sociology
Ed McCormack, UW Transportation Engineering
Jennie Romich, UW School of Social Work & The West Coast Poverty Center
Councilmember Tim Burgess will provide brief opening remarks. Four recent and ongoing UW research studies that focus on Seattle programs will be discussed:
– Evaluation of Seattle’s Paid Sick and Safe Time Ordinance
– Public Use Bicycle-Share Program
– Housing First Approach for Homeless Individuals
– Effects of Social Capital and Collective Efficacy on Community Crime Control
For additional information, visit or contact Claudia Gross Shader, Assistant City Auditor at 206-684-8038 or