Scans of the signed legislation are available in the database records linked below:
Ord. 124011
C.B. 117569
AN ORDINANCE relating to rental housing registration and inspection; adding a new Chapter 22.214 to the Seattle Municipal Code; retitling portions of Chapter 6.440 as Chapter 22.214; amending portions of the retitled Chapter 6.440; and repealing portions of Chapter 6.440.
Ord. 124012
C.B. 117555
AN ORDINANCE relating to a passenger boat moorage and loading facility located over and across Vine Street, west of Alaskan Way, amending Ordinance 115972, as amended by Ordinance 121855, updating the insurance and bond requirements, and amending the annual fee and other terms and conditions of the permit; renewing the term of the permit to the Port of Seattle; providing for the acceptance of the permit and conditions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Ord. 124013
C.B. 117574
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department, declaring the former Chelsea, Hawthorne, Hill, Sand Point, View Ridge, and Wedgwood Substation properties as surplus to the City’s needs and no longer required for providing public utility service or other municipal purpose; authorizing the sale of said properties for fair market value through negotiated sale or an open and competitive process; and authorizing the Superintendent of the City Light Department to execute all necessary documents to accomplish such property sales.
Ord. 124014
C.B. 117599
AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of Westlake Avenue between Pine Street and 4th Avenue, on the petition of the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation; accepting quit claim deeds from abutting property owners for their property interests in the portion of Westlake Avenue being vacated; authorizing egress easement agreements with abutting property owners; approving agreements between the Department of Parks and Recreation and Seattle Public Utilities and between the Department of Parks and Recreation and Seattle City Light concerning utility infrastructure, as reflected in Clerk File 311670; designating the vacated portion of Westlake Avenue as an addition to Westlake Park and placing it under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Recreation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Ord. 124015
C.B. 117602
AN ORDINANCE relating to a grant from the United States Department of Defense to the Office of Housing to update analyses and assumptions used in preparing the 2008 Redevelopment Plan for the Fort Lawton U.S. Army Reserve Center, authorizing the Director of Housing or designees to accept the grant and to execute corresponding agreements, and ratifying and confirming prior acts.
Ord. 124016
C.B. 117604
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Res. 31408
A RESOLUTION relating to the Seattle Indian Services Commission; making findings regarding the need for City intervention into the Commission’s affairs; and authorizing the Mayor to undertake such intervention, all following a public hearing held with notice to the Commission.