Council Budget Chair Tim Burgess
On-line budget survey seeks Seattle’s input on priorities
SEATTLE – The Seattle City Council Budget Committee today launched an on-line survey asking residents for their priorities and opinions on city services as next week it begins its review of the 2013-2014 City budget. The survey is available here.
“Before the Council takes any action on the budget, we must make sure we listen to the people of Seattle and understand their priorities,” said Councilmember Tim Burgess, Chair of the Budget Committee. “Then we must ensure that City government is effectively investing taxpayer dollars on the services that matter most to the public.”
The budget survey’s 19 questions include:
- What priorities do you believe local government should focus on?
- How safe do you feel in your neighborhood?
- How satisfied are you with the city government services you receive?
- Do you believe city government is responsive to the needs of Seattle’s most vulnerable?
The Mayor will present his budget proposal to the City Council on September 24 at 2 p.m. The Council must then move quickly to scrutinize the proposal, craft amendments and reach a final balanced budget by the middle of November.
To keep informed about these important budget deliberations, please visit the City Council budget Web site. To share your priorities for Seattle, take the survey today or contact all city councilmembers at
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