Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar July 30, 2012
1. C.B. 117529
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council
2. C.B. 117530
AN ORDINANCE authorizing, in 2012, acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of the Office of Sustainability and Environment, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Police Department, Department of Parks and Recreation, Human Services Department, Seattle City Light, and Seattle Public Utilities to accept specified grants and private funding and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Committee referral: Government Performance and Finance
3. C.B. 117531
AN ORDINANCE related to the 2012 Budget; amending Ordinance 123758, which adopted the 2012 Budget, including the 2012-2017 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; making cash transfers between various City funds; adding new projects; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2012-2017 CIP; revising project descriptions; creating exempt positions; creating new positions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council.
Committee referral: Government Performance and Finance
4. C.B. 117532
AN ORDINANCE granting CCSDC, LLC permission to construct, maintain, and operate a rooftop photovoltaic array over the sidewalk areas of East Madison Street, 15th Avenue, and East Pike Street, and to the centerline of the alley between East Madison Street and East Pike Street, as part of the construction of the new Bullitt Center at 1501 East Madison Street; for a ten-year term, renewable for two successive ten-year terms; specifying the conditions under which this permit is granted; and providing for the acceptance of the permit and conditions.
Committee referral: Transportation
5. C.B. 117533
AN ORDINANCE accepting a quit claim deed from King County for real property in South Seattle that has been used for a portion of the Angel Morgan P-Patch; assigning jurisdiction of the property to the Department of Neighborhoods; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Committee referral: Parks and Neighborhoods
6. C.B. 117534
AN ORDINANCE relating to the P-Patch Program, authorizing the transfer of jurisdiction over certain city-owned parcels in the Rainier Valley neighborhood from the Department of Finance and Administrative Services and the Seattle Department of Transportation to the Department of Neighborhoods.
Committee referral: Parks and Neighborhoods
7. C.B. 117535
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning, amending Section 23.50.012 of the Seattle Municipal Code to allow water- dependent or water-related research and education facilities of colleges and universities, in new and existing buildings in the Ballard/Interbay Northend Manufacturing & Industrial Center.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
8. C.B. 117536
AN ORDINANCE relating to the redevelopment of Yesler Terrace by the Housing Authority of the City of Seattle; and authorizing the Mayor to execute a Cooperative Agreement with the Housing Authority of the City of Seattle.
Committee referral: Yesler Terrace
9. C.B. 117537
AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the granting of nonexclusive easement rights to Puget Sound Energy and King County for access along and across portions of the City of Seattle’s fee-owned property in Section 29, Township 24 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington.
Committee referral: Libraries, Utilities, and Center
10. C.B. 117538
AN ORDINANCE related to cable television; approving the transfer of the controlling interest in WaveDivision Holdings, LLC, parent company of WaveDivision I, LLC, holder of a nonexclusive Seattle cable franchise, to Oak Hill Capital Partners III, L.P., by a three-fourths vote of the City Council.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
11. C.B. 117539
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City’s traffic code; amending various sections and subsections in Chapters 11.14, 11.22, 11.31, 11.32, 11.50, 11.54, 11.56, 11.58, 11.59 and 11.84 of the Seattle Municipal Code to conform with changes in state law.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
12. C.B. 117540
AN ORDINANCE relating to redevelopment at Yesler Terrace, designating certain future proposed projects as planned actions pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, through use of a Planned Action Ordinance, and establishing certain requirements for these planned actions.
Committee referral: Yesler Terrace
13. C.B. 117541
AN ORDINANCE related to land use and zoning, amending various chapters of Title 23 of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) to incorporate new zoning provisions for Yesler Terrace; adding a new SMC Chapter 23.75 to establish use provisions and development standards for the new Master Planned Community — Yesler Terrace (MPC-YT) zone, including an affordable housing incentive program as authorized by RCW 36.70A.540; amending SMC Section 25.05.800 to establish limits for categorical exemptions from environmental review in the MPC-YT zone; amending the Official Land Use Map, SMC Chapter 23.32, to rezone properties in the Yesler Terrace neighborhood from LR3 and DMR/C 65/65-85 to MPC-YT; approving and adopting Yesler Terrace Master Planned Community Design Guidelines; revising design review and platting procedures for the MPC-YT zone; and revising procedures for project review under a planned action ordinance; all to implement the Comprehensive Plan and to allow redevelopment of Yesler Terrace to achieve a mix of residential, commercial, and other uses; appropriate urban density; and more affordable housing, environmental sustainability, and publicly accessible open space than would be likely to result from development under existing zoning.
Committee referral: Yesler Terrace
14. Res. 31398
A RESOLUTION granting conceptual approval to construct, maintain, and operate a skybridge over and across Eastlake Avenue East, north of Aloha Street, as proposed by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Committee referral: Transportation
15. Res. 31399
A RESOLUTION relating to the Central Waterfront Concept Design and Framework Plan and the Central Waterfront Committee’s Strategic Plan and recommendations; and addressing the funding plan for the Waterfront Improvement Program including the formation of a local improvement district, partnerships with the Pike Place Market and Seattle Aquarium, formation of a Friends of the Seattle Waterfront non-profit organization, and initial steps for implementation.
Committee referral: Central Waterfront, Seawall, and Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program
BY Conlin
16. C.F. 312465
Appointment of Scott S. Yasui as member, Seattle Chinatown International District Public Development Authority Council, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
[Redesignated Clerk File Number (from 313465) to correct the number series.]
BY Conlin
17. C.F. 312466
Reappointment of Kip Tokuda as member, Seattle Chinatown International District Public Development Authority Council, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2016.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
[Redesignated Clerk File Number (from 313466) to correct the number series.]