Action Summary, Monday 7/23/12

Home » Action Summary, Monday 7/23/12

The following is a summation of Council actions at today’s 2:00 p.m. Full Council meeting

Council President Sally Clark excused.    


1. Council Bill 117465 (5 – 3, Harrell, Bagshaw, and Rasmussen opposed)

Relating to taxicabs and for-hire vehicles; increasing the taximeter rates for taxicabs licensed to operate in Seattle; increasing the flat rate from the downtown hotel district to the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport; allowing for the charging of tolls and fares in addition to the taximeter rate or flat rate; clarifying the factors considered in the City Council’s review of taximeter rates, and amending Section 6.310.530 of the Seattle Municipal Code in connection thereto.       

 2. Council Bill 117524 (8 – 0) PASSED

Relating to the referral of certain permit applications from the Department of Planning and Development to the Department of Neighborhoods for historic landmark review and amending Sections 25.05.800 and 25.12.370 of the Seattle Municipal Code.           

 3. Clerk File 311662 (8 – 0) GRANTED

Application of Kevin Broderick, Broderick Architects, for L.R. Columbus, LLC, to rezone 6,600 square feet of land at 3902 S. Ferdinand Street from Lowrise 3 (LR3) to Lowrise 3-Residential Commercial (LR3-RC); for modification and expansion of existing residential building by changing three of eight residential units to commercial use (C.F. 311662, Project No. 3011960, Type IV).          

 4. Council Bill 117517 (8 – 0) PASSED AS AMENDED

Relating to land use and zoning; amending Chapter 23.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code at page 159 of the Official Land Use Map to rezone property located at 3902 S. Ferdinand Street from Lowrise 3 (LR3) and Single Family 5000 (SF 5000) to Lowrise 3 with a Residential- Commercial overlay zone (LR3-RC) and SF 5000 (Application of Kevin Broderick , C.F. 311662, Project No. 3011960, Type IV).



5. Council Bill 117430 (8 – 0) PASSED AS AMENDED

Related to land use, zoning and environmental review, amending Sections 23.40.006, 23.42.040, 23.42.050, 23.44.014, 23.44.041, 23.45.504, 23.45.510, 23.45.512, 23.45.514, 23.45.518, 23.45.526, 23.45.527, 23.45.529, 23.45.532, 23.45.545, 23.47A.005, 23.47A.008, 23.54.015, 23.54.016, 23.54.020, 23.55.022, 23.76.004, 23.76.006, 23.84A.032, 23.91.002, 25.05.800 and Chapter 23.52 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding new Sections 23.40.035 and 23.52.008 to carry out proposals for regulatory reform.   



6. Clerk File 312413 (8 – 0) CONFIRMED

Reappointment and Oath of Office of Jorge Carrasco as Superintendent of Seattle City Light, for a term of confirmation to July 23, 2016.   



7. Resolution 31393 (8 – 0) ADOPTED

Establishing goals and objectives for an operational efficiencies review of the Seattle Department of Transportation and creating a joint City Council, Executive and Office of the City Auditor interdepartmental team to oversee project implementation.



8. Council Bill 117487 (8 – 0) PASSED

Relating to private party use of the City’s fiber optic cable network; authorizing the Chief Technology Officer to enter agreements allowing private parties to use the excess capacity of the City’s fiber optic cable network for providing high speed internet services and for other lawful purposes; amending Ordinance 117981 to allow agreements for private use; creating a fund for the financial transactions associated with private use; providing for an interfund loan; and amending the 2012 budget, Ordinance 123758, by adding a new budget control level and increasing appropriations; all by a three- fourths vote of the City Council.           

 9. Council Bill 117475 (8 – 0) PASSED

Relating to security from terrorism; authorizing the City to partner with the State of Washington and King County to receive financial assistance from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office for State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness under the Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2011 (UASI FFY ’11), authorizing an application for allocation of funds under that agreement, increasing appropriations to the Seattle Police Department and Seattle Fire Department in the 2012 Budget, and ratifying and confirming prior acts; all by a three-fourths vote of the City Council.

 10. Council Bill 117523 (8 – 0) PASSED

Relating to the Technology Matching Fund Program; making allocations and authorizing implementation of certain Technology Matching Fund projects in 2012; providing that 2012 appropriations for the Technology Matching Fund from the Cable Television Franchise Subfund and from the Information Technology Fund shall automatically carry forward into the 2013 fiscal year; that any unspent funds from an individual project may be applied to another Technology Matching Fund project; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.



11. Council Bill 117500 (8 – 0) PASSED

Related to the 2012 Budget; amending Ordinance 123758, which adopted the 2012 Budget, including the 2012-2017 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; making cash transfers between various City funds; adding new projects; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2012-2017 CIP; creating exempt positions; creating new positions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council.  

 12. Council Bill 117501 (8 – 0) PASSED

Authorizing, in 2012, acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of the Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Police Department, Office of Economic Development, Office of Sustainability and Environment, Department of Neighborhoods, Human Services Department, Department of Information Technology, Seattle City Light, Department of Parks and Recreation, Seattle Department of Transportation and Seattle Public Utilities to accept specified grants and private funding and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.  

 13. Clerk File 312455 (8 – 0) CONFIRMED

Appointment of M. Lorena Gonzalez as member, Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2013.     



14. Council Bill 117515 PASSED (8 – 0)

Relating to the Seattle Center Department; authorizing execution of a right of entry agreement with Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC and a license agreement with KCTS Television, to allow for access of conduit and installation of fiber optic cable and related equipment needed to provide various communication services at Seattle Center.           

 15. Council Bill 117508 PASSED (8 – 0)

Relating to a recreational trails agreement with King County; authorizing the Director of Seattle Public Utilities to grant King County permission to develop and operate recreational trails on portions of utility property in the Tolt Right of Way, the Lake Youngs Reservoir area, the West Seattle Right of Way, the Snoqualmie Valley/Rattlesnake Lake area, and the Cedar River Pipeline Drain Right of Way; in partial consideration for which the County will grant the City permission to use King County property in the vicinity of Rattlesnake Lake for recreational trails and an access road; and authorizing the Director to execute the agreement for these property uses. 

 16. Resolution 31394 HELD FOR ONE WEEK

Supporting the sale of certain water system facilities and transfer of a portion of retail water service to the City of Shoreline.