A PDF copy of the resolution is available in the database record linked below:
Res. 31390
A RESOLUTION providing for the sale and issuance of The City of Seattle, Wash ington, Municipal Light and Power Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2012A, The City of Seattle, W ashington, Municipal Light and Power Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2012B (Taxable) and The City of Seattle, Washington, Municipal Light and Power Improvement Revenue Bonds, 2012C (Taxable New Clean Renewable Energy Bonds – Direct Payment); specifying the amount, maturities, int erest rates and other terms of the bonds; providing for the payment of part of the cost of certa in capital improvements to and conservation programs for the Light System of the City, prov iding for the Reserve Fund Requirement, providing for the payment of the administrative costs of the r efunding and costs of issuance and sale of the bonds, providing for the refunding of certain of the Ci ty’s outstanding municipal light and power bonds and the terms and conditions of the refunding; a pproving the form and execution of certain agreements; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.