PDF copies of the signed legislation are available in the database records linked below:
Ord. 123906
C.B. 117496
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Ord. 123907
C.B. 117483
AN ORDINANCE relating to term permits for sustainable building features that support sustainable building practices in public places; amending the current Seattle Department of Transportation Street Use Fee Schedule, Attachment A to Ordinance 123477, as amended by Ordinances 123600, 123611, 123659, and 123485 as amended by Ordinance 123585 by adding a new term permit use to the term permit fee methodology.
Ord. 123908
C.B. 117481
AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the Director of Seattle Public Utilities to submit for approval to the U.S. District Court a Consent Decree by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Washington Department of Ecology and to fulfill the obligations set forth therein.
Ord. 123909
C.B. 117469
AN ORDINANCE relating to a pedestrian skybridge over and across Alaskan Way West at West Prospect Street, amending Ordinance 120552, as amended by Ordinance 121855, updating the insurance and bond requirements, and amending the annual fee and other terms and conditions of the permit; renewing the term of the permit to the Immunex Corporation; providing for the acceptance of the permit and conditions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Res. 31386
A RESOLUTION concerning the Sound Transit East Link Project requesting the Executive to initiate a station area planning process for the planned North Rainier Station.